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Farm-based Enterprise Development: Resources

Southern SAWG has developed numerous production and marketing resources to assist farmers in the Southern region in developing their farm-based enterprises.  Together with our individual and organizational partners, we provide the results of our ongoing work in sustainable agriculture enterprise development through our Internet site.

Southern SAWG's Natural Farming in the South Video Series

Southern SAWG's video series titled Natural Farming Systems in the South provides an easy, economical way for producers and organizations to take a virtual tour of some highly successful farming operations in the region. Compiled in partnership with the USDA's Risk Management Agency, these broadcast-quality videos focus on featured farmers who relate in detailed, plain-spoken terms the whole farming system and each component unique to their particular operation. Videos include two on Organic Horticulture and Marketing, plus Management Intensive Grazing for beef,  Pastured Turkey Production, and Cut Flowers.

Enterprise Resource Lists

Accompanying the above videos are Enterprise Resource Lists, which offer sources of additional information and links to online resources. The Enterprise Resource Lists can be downloaded as MS Word documents (.doc) directly from the Virtual Farm Tours page.

Farm Stories

The full list of Farm Stories, compiled by Southern SAWG and spanning several years, provides links to another of Southern SAWG's excellent enterprise development tools.   The stories offer profiles of sustainable farm operations throughout the South and covering a huge variety of production styles, products, and marketing and business strategies.

Educational Sessions
Southern SAWG offers the opportunity to download presentations and proceedings from short courses held in previous years at its annual conference.  These materials provide an overview and practical information to help you implement various agricultural enterprises. If these tools pique your interest, then you should consider attending Southern SAWG's upcoming Practical Tools and Solutions for Sustaining Family Farms Conference.

Educational CD-ROMs

The CD-ROM is a comprehensive interactive resource designed to give organic farmers and educators in the South the technical information they need.  With this tool, you can learn from the comfort of your home, at your own pace.  Southern SAWG Educational CD-ROMs are designed to play easily on almost any PC system equipped with a CD drive, and are packed with valuable information to help farmers with their enterprises.

Production and Marketing Pages

The following pages are updated regularly, so please check back often; and, please share with us any additional information that you would like to see on this site.

Direct Marketing

Information on several approaches to direct-to-consumer marketing for a wide range of agriculture products.


Adding Value to Agricultural Products

Resource lists and suggested publications for value added enterprises.goat producer meeting.pdf

Piloting Unique Enterprise Training for Appalachian Farmers
This project assisted farmers in two locations to strengthen local production and marketing capabilities.


NCAT-ATTRA (www.attra.org)

The National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service provides publications and other resources compiled from research projects and practical applications nationwide.  Online searchable database, plus toll free telephone assistance:

800-346-9140 (English)

800-411-3222 (EspaƱol)

Ag Marketing Resource Center

Iowa State University

A national resource for value-added agriculture.


Agricultural Utilization Research Institute

This state-funded nonprofit institute helps businesses and agricultural groups develop new uses and markets for traditional and alternative commodities.


Center for Profitable Agriculture (CPA)
A partnership between the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation and The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, the Center is committed to increasing the value of Tennessee's economy through new, expanded and improved processing and marketing of agricultural, aquacultural and forestry products in Tennessee.


A comprehensive clearinghouse of marketing and processing information.

Illinois Institute for Rural Affairs
Their web site has several economic and value-added resources, including a 15 chapter report that contains two chapters devoted to the general concept of New Generation Cooperatives (NGCs) and case studies of the start-up and the successful (and failed) operations of nine NGCs.  

North American Farmers Direct Marketing Association
Organize an annual conference dedicated to direct marketing with hundreds of educational sessions and large trade show. 

North Central Initiative for Small Farm Profitability
A farm-to-fork effort designed to improve the profitability and competitiveness of small and mid-size farms in Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Missouri. Partners include the University of Nebraska's Center for Applied Rural Innovation, Iowa State University, University of Missouri, University of Wisconsin, the Center for Rural Affairs, Practical Farmers of Iowa, and the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute. Their web site has access to 32 case studies that highlight entrepreneurial efforts.

Types of Agricultural Finance Programs
Provided by the National Council of State Agricultural Finance Programs


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