Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor
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Illinois EPA Data and Resources for Citizens


  • Citizen's Information Center
  • Illinois EPA offers a vast amount of information on a wide range of topics. This page was created in an attempt to collect the information of interest and importance to citizens.
  • Environmental Facts Online
  • Environmental Facts Online (ENFO) is part of ongoing efforts by Governor Blagojevich and the Illinois EPA to make more environmental information conveniently available through the Internet.

Bureau of Air

Bureau of Land

  • Facility Information Search
  • Bureau of Land inventory system for all facility information. Data results are cross-linked with on-line database system applications from IEPA as well as USEPA FRS database. If available, links will be provided to other data systems as appropriate.
  • Facility Compliance Tracking System
  • Compliance Unit Database - Manages Facility Inspection Data. Data range: August 1996 - present. Presents information of inspection data through several query forms and reports.
  • Ground Water Ordinance Status
  • The Groundwater Ordinance Status Chart is an informal listing of the groundwater ordinances reviewed for suitability as environmental institutional controls under 35 Ill. Adm. Code 742.1015.
  • Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Tracking
  • The Leaking Underground Storage Tank Incident Tracking ("LIT") database identifies the status of all Illinois LUST incidents reported to the Illinois Emergency Management Agency ("IEMA") and to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Office of Brownfields Assistance
  • The Office of Brownfields Assistance ("OBA") database identifies the status of all Municipal Brownfields Redevelopment Grant (MBRG) project sites administered through OBA.
  • Site Remediation Program
  • SRP database identifies the status of all voluntary remediation projects administered through the Pre-Notice Site Cleanup Program (1989 to 1995) and the Site Remediation Program (1996 to the present).
  • Solidwaste Permit Activities
  • Online database designed to inform the public about applications submitted, or permits from the Bureau of Land (BOL).
  • State Sites Unit
  • The State Response Action Program database identifies the status of all sites under the responsibility of the Illinois EPA's State Sites Unit.

Bureau of Water

  • Drinking Water Watch
  • The Drinking Water Watch Web Portal allows citizens to directly access drinking water monitoring data and other information for community water systems in Illinois. The information is of interest not only to consumers of the water supply but nearby private well owners can also quickly check on potential contamination threats.
  • Safe Drinking Water Information System
  • The Safe Drinking Water Information System (SDWIS) Monitoring Schedules portal gives communities the ability to query those monitoring schedules specific to their water system. These schedules are used for the basis of monitoring requirements applicable to compliance-related activities.


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