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We are currently rebuilding our databases after being offline for several months. Please help us by adding your information.

Museum Yellow Pages
. Find contact information for nearly 7,500 museums throughout the United States.

Job Database. Search our database of current museum-related job postings. These jobs are fully searchable and can be sorted by type, name of institution, city and state, job name, and date posted. All jobs have expiration dates and expire automatically.

Internship Database. Find an internship program.

Resume Database. Search public and anonymous resumes of museum professionals.  Find museum professionals who live within a specific radius of your institution.

Conferences. Find a conference, workshop, or other training event near where you live, or in your specialty.

Museum Education and Training Programs. Search for a university, college, or other institution that offers museum related training courses.

Related Web Sites. Continue your search using these web sites.


(c)FLATTEXT 1997-2006