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URI News
Scenes from The University of Rhode Island

URI News for October 30, 2008

ExplosivesExplosives Expertise $5.15 million ignites URI's new Center of Excellence in explosives research, one of 12 national centers established by U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Morning LightURI students appear in Disney's "Morning Light" Two URI students are among the 15 who were selected to enter the TransPac Yacht Race and appear in the feature-length documentary film about the selection process, training and the race.

Lippitt HallLippitt Hall ribbon cutting After an $8.9 million basement-to-roof renovation, URI has re-opened historic Lippitt Hall. The four-story building is home to URI's Honors Program and the Department of Mathematics.

STACInvestment: Research and Innovation New report outlines steps needed for URI to become a nationally competitive research institution.

BookEvolution Explosion and Impact Stanford University professor Stephen Palumbi to discuss how humans cause rapid evolutionary change

flower Students plant ideas for a healthy lifestyle Combining their love of gardening with their studies, two students have built the Providence Therapeutic Garden at a nursing home as part of their leadership project in the doctor of physical therapy program.

President Carothers at a lecternPresident Carothers announces plans to step down President Carothers formally announced that he would end his 18-year tenure at the University as of June 30, 2009. View the press conference online, read more about the announcement and link to some of the news coverage...

drain campaignPollution Solution Students label storm drains in Narragansett to discourage dumping and protect the Bay. More...

Narragansett BayMeasuring emerging contaminants A URI researcher is testing a new means to measure several "emerging contaminants" being found in Narragansett Bay.

ViewbookBold New Look "Think big. We do." URI's new brand positioning, messages, and visual identity emerge. The University has raised the digital curtain on its innovative home page and on the new look and feel of the University's brand expression. More...

Honors ColloquiumThe University's 2008 Honors Colloquium, “People and Planet - Global Environmental Change,” will explore human-caused global change, its consequences and potential responses through a series of lectures, films, exhibits and a cabaret. The free weekly events featuring international experts and URI faculty members will run from Sept. 9 to Dec. 9. Events will take place on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in Edwards Auditorium on the Kingston campus.

Fall FactsFacts about Fall 2008: The University welcomed its largest freshman class, about 3,200 students, and its entire student body of nearly 16,000 undergraduate and graduate students back to school this fall. Link here for some facts and fall semester highlights planned.

President CarothersPresident Robert L. Carothers opposes effort to lower the drinking age. Nationally known and recognized for his leadership and commitment to addressing the problems of college student alcohol and drug use, Carothers has been asked by national media for his position on the issue. The interviews were prompted by a recent movement to lower the drinking age from 21 to 18. This effort is being led by presidents of about 100 universities nationwide. Read more...

energyAlternative energy research receives $1.5 Million federal boost: In an effort to help reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil, cut down on greenhouse gas emissions, and grow the economy, U.S. Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) announced federal support for URI's Center for Biotechnology and Life Sciences. A new plant biotechnology laboratory at the center will serve faculty working to develop renewable energy technologies and improve consumer access to alternative fuels.

fire antsEcologist says insects' fear of predators may be a bigger killer than the predators themselves: When biologists consider the effects that predators have on their prey, they shouldn’t just count the number of individuals consumed. They must also examine the effects of fear.

HatfieldPowerful new professor: As the newest member of the Department of Kinesiology, Disa Hatfield should not have any trouble carrying her weight here. In fact, she is one of the world’s strongest women -- the No. 4-ranked powerlifter in the world.

More Headlines...

In the News

Science education adds up: Listen to WRNI's report about the National Science Foundation awards $12.5 million grant to boost science and math teaching, learning statewide.

China Studies In Rhode Island: WRNI reports about programs in place that provide students a competitive edge.

Bold New Sound

Listen to URI's newest radio campaign

2008 Quick Facts

The Numbers...
13,000 Undergraduate students
3,000 Graduate Students
3,150 Freshmen (Fall 2008)
47 states and D.C. represented
19 to 1 student to faculty ratio
80 majors offered
2008 Tuition and fees:
-In-state $8,184
-Out-of-state $23,038
-Regional $13,014

Most Popular Majors...

Top 10 undergraduate majors are: Nursing, Communication Studies, Psychology, Pharmacy, Kinesiology, Human Development and Family Studies, English, and Secondary Education, Textile and Fashion Merchandising & Design, and Elementary Education.

History of URI

The University was chartered as the state's agricultural school in 1888. The Oliver Watson farm was purchased as a site for the school, and the old farmhouse, now restored, still stands on the campus. The school became the Rhode Island College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in 1892, and the first class of 17 members was graduated two years later.

More information about URI history and timeline