The Chronicle of Higher Education
photo illustration SCHOLAR, TEACHER, PATRIOT

The political scientist Samuel P. Huntington (above), who died last month, took on the discipline's most important policy questions. His controversial work overturned more than a few prevailing theories, writes Aaron L. Friedberg, who adds that Huntington had an irritating habit of being proved right. (Photograph from Harvard U.)

Stanford Announces $100-Million Energy-Research Institute

The university said on Monday that it has raised the funds to establish a new institute that will study issues like energy efficiency, renewable energy, and global warming.

First National Picture of Trends in the Humanities Is Unveiled

PATENTING TEAM: The University of Pennsylvania and Arizona State University join forces on technology transfer in an experiment that will allow each one to take advantage of the other's expertise in commercializing their researchers' findings.

DISMAL FORECAST: At the annual meeting of the American Economic Association, attendees expressed fear that the United States may well be entering a long period of financial stagnation.

POSSIBLE LEADER OF NIH: Francis S. Collins, a former director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, may be in line to head the National Institutes of Health.



New Scholarly Books:

Most recent list


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Nota Bene:

One book traces the road to Sesame Street and another draws the connections between network TV and modern art.

What they're reading on college campuses:

A list of the best-selling books.


On Hiring

The Psychology of Prestige
Will the weak academic job market also weaken the "myth of meritocracy" that dominates faculty hiring?

Thinking Twice About Jobs at Research Universities
Graduate students are turning away from top academic jobs for more family-friendly work environments, a University of California survey found.

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Surveys & Data

Faculty Salaries: A searchable database of faculty salaries, 1999-2006, and a list of average faculty salaries in selected fields at 4-year institutions.

Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index: An index rates the productivity of faculty members in 7,294 individual doctoral programs in 104 disciplines at 354 institutions.

Graduate-Student Stipends: A database of stipends and benefits offered by top universities to graduate and research assistants.