The Chronicle of Higher Education
Today's Most E-Mailed

The Top 20

Here are today's top 20 e-mailed articles from The Chronicle.

  1. Grad Students Think Twice About Jobs in Academe
  2. Report on College Spending Trends Highlights Inequities in Financing Model
  3. Group Tells Public-College Presidents They May Be Personally Liable for Speech Codes
  4. Rather Than Ask for a Bailout, Higher Education, Heal Thyself
  5. Mr. Professor Goes to Washington
  6. Dispatches From the First Interview
  7. Lawsuit Accuses U. of Phoenix of Protecting Its Default Rate at Students' Expense
  8. State Department Program Pairs Foreign Students With Community Colleges
  9. The Arts & Academe
  10. How Does a President Shut Down a College?
  11. Hello, Richmond!
  12. The American Character
  13. Recession May Drive More Adult Students to Take Online Courses
  14. Energy Drain by Computers Stifles Efforts at Cost Control
  15. A Wired Way to Rate Professors -- and to Connect Them
  16. College 2.0: A Wired Way to Rate Professors—and to Connect Teachers
  17. University Leaders From Around the World Discuss Fund Raising in Troubled Times
  18. First National Picture of Trends in the Humanities Is Unveiled
  19. New Grants Have More Takers but Are Still Below Goals
  20. Stanford Announces $100-Million Energy-Research Institute