The Chronicle of Higher Education
Chronicle Careers

Previous "Career Talk" Columns

Practical guidance for academic job seekers from professional career counselors

Career Talk

Preparing to attend your first big academic convention? Here's what you need to consider.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CV's of three faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career Talk

A new edition of a popular handbook on the academic job search underscores how the hiring process has changed.

Career Talk

A primer for new professors on what to expect in the first year on the job.

Career Talk

If you plan to apply for teaching jobs at two-year colleges, here's what you need to consider.

Career Talk

Our columnists answer readers' questions about going back on the market, beefing up weak interview skills, and negotiating multiple offers.

Career Talk

Will you and your partner go on the job market at the same time? Are you willing to live apart? For how long?

Career Talk

What is the professional way to withdraw your name from consideration in a search?

Career Talk

When you write a reference letter, your credibility is on the line as much as the candidate's credentials.

Career Talk

In more and more disciplines, a postdoc is a critical first step toward an academic career.

Career Talk

How should I explain the gap in my CV? Our columnists answer that question and others from readers.

Career Talk

If you are going on the academic job market this fall, keep in mind the hiring season always arrives sooner than expected.

Career Talk

Does your vita need work? Submit your CV, and it may be selected for an online critique.

Career Talk

It won't be long before another round of academic hiring gets under way; here's a refresher course for newcomers to the search process and veterans.

Career Talk

Our columnists offer advice on how to transform a CV into a résumé, how to explain a gap in your work history, and other career questions.

Career Talk

Our career columnists talk to Ph.D.'s who have successfully made the transition from faculty work to campus administration.

Career Talk

Here's how to strike a deal in a cordial, realistic manner that won't make them wish they had never offered you the job.

Career Talk

Anyone who has changed jobs has a distinct story to tell. So if you feel as if you're getting conflicting advice about that, you probably are.

Career Talk

Should I tell hiring committees about my daughter�s cancer? Our columnists answer readers� questions.

Career Talk

If you are job hunting as an assistant professor, what's the best way to explain why you are on the market again?

Career Talk

Everyone says it's OK to copy the format of a colleague's CV, but it is OK to borrow from her cover letter?

Career Talk

Newcomers to the academic job market can be confused by the jargon. Here's the third part of our glossary of common terms.

Career Talk

Does your vita need work? The CV Doctor can help. Submit your CV and it may be selected for an online critique.

Career Talk

Can an adjunct make the leap to the tenure track, and how? Two graduate-career counselors answer that question and others from our readers.

Career Talk

Bad things happen to good Ph.D.'s, but the successful ones learn to overcome those challenges and take charge of their own careers.

Career Talk

Some advice for Ph.D.'s who fear making a move that will take them in the wrong direction -- i.e., off the academic track.

Career Talk

For Ph.D.'s who can't find, or don't want, a teaching job, but would like a career on a campus, what are the options?

Career Talk

When you're given an opportunity to quiz your interviewers, the last thing you want to do is draw a blank.

Career Talk

Two graduate career counselors answer questions from readers about the academic job market.

Career Talk

A look at how a Ph.D. in the humanities shifted gears to become a graduate-career counselor, and why she was hired.

Career Talk

Fail to negotiate your first job offer and you risk sacrificing thousands of dollars in potential income.

Career Talk

A look at how universities and departments can get started providing career services to graduate students.

Career Talk

Too many doctoral students are ill-prepared to talk about their teaching when it really matters -- in the job interview

Career Talk

What if you can't count on your supervisor for a good reference? Two graduate career counselors offer their advice on that and other questions from readers.

Career Talk

Two career counselors offer advice on how to conduct a dual search for both academic and nonacademic positions.

Career Talk

Two career counselors for graduate students look at all the reasons why your job search this year may have failed.

Career Talk

You haven't heard back from the committee. So maybe you didn't get the job, but it's just as likely that something else is holding up the search.

Career Talk

Two graduate career counselors answer questions from Ph.D.'s about the academic job market.

Career Talk

Two graduate career counselors offer advice on how to transform your CV into a strong résumé.

Career Talk

Two graduate career counselors offer advice on how to transform your CV into a strong résumé.

Career Talk

Two graduate career counselors offer advice on how to transform your CV into a strong résumé.

Career Talk

Two graduate career counselors answer questions from Ph.D.'s about the academic job market.

Career Talk

A graduate career counselor offers a few dos and don'ts to consider as you prepare to interview for an academic job.

Career Talk

More and more hiring committees in academe are investigating the backgrounds of candidates. Here's what to expect.

Career Talk

Readers share their stories about how they got themselves out of a career rut.

Career Talk

Preparing to go on the market in the fall? Here's some advice from Ph.D.'s who landed jobs this year.

Career Talk

If your scholarly association holds its annual meeting in the summer, now is the time to start preparing for conference interviews.

Career Talk

An academic couple who unsuccessfully applied to share a job wonders if that was a strategic mistake.

Career Talk

Should a tenured professor explain to hiring committees why he is on the job market? Our columnist answers that question and others.

Career Talk

So, you're unhappy working in academe, but unable to leave? You're not alone.

Career Talk

If you are pregnant and interviewing for a job, what should you tell potential employers? And when?

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the vitas of four faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the vitas of four faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the vitas of four faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the vitas of four faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the vitas of four faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the vitas of four faculty-job candidates and an administrator seeking to move up.

Career Talk

As a new hiring season gets under way, besides preparing your application materials, you need to get emotionally ready.

Career Talk

For those preparing to go on the job market in the fall, Mary Morris Heiberger and Julia Miller Vick offer a little required reading.

Career Talk

Newcomers to the academic job market can be confused by the jargon. Here's the sequel to our glossary of common terms.

Career Talk

Our columnists take a look at the Web pages of academics and offer critiques of what works and what doesn't.

Career Talk

If your institution doesn't offer formal career counseling for doctoral students, where can you go for help?

Career Talk

You have a job, but you want another. When should you ask your department head for a recommendation?

Career Talk

How sincere are job ads about diversity? Mary Morris Heiberger and Julia Miller Vick answer that and other questions from readers.

Career Talk

Postdocs in the sciences serve as a transition to professional independence. Here's how to survive yours.

Career Talk

The best way to alleviate the stress of a campus interview is to prepare, prepare, prepare.

Career Talk

Here's what job candidates should know about how financial trends in academe affect the job market.

Career Talk

Drafting your CV can sometimes leave you feeling like you're fabricating an identity.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CVs of three recent Ph.D.'s, a community-college instructor, and an administrator.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CVs of three recent Ph.D.'s, a community-college instructor, and an administrator.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CVs of three recent Ph.D.'s, a community-college instructor, and an administrator.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CVs of three recent Ph.D.'s, a community-college instructor, and an administrator.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CVs of three recent Ph.D.'s, a community-college instructor, and an administrator.

Career Talk

Our experts evaluate the CVs of three recent Ph.D.'s, a community-college instructor, and an administrator.

Career Talk

Our columnists advise readers about dual-career job searches, job hunting from overseas, and other career quandaries.

Career Talk

With a little foresight, a search committee can avoid unnecessary wear and tear on candidates. Here's how.

Career Talk

If you're going on the market this fall, it might help to have your own Web page. Here's how to make it a good one.

Career Talk

If you're thinking about going on the academic job market this fall, here's what you should be doing this summer.

Career Talk

You may not think you have a network of contacts to rely on in your academic job search, but you do.

Career Talk

The jargon of the academic job market can be confusing. Here's a glossary of terms you need to know.

Career Talk

Even in tight financial times, it's possible to negotiate better terms of a job offer.

Career Talk

How much should you reveal on a vita about your political and academic activism?

Career Talk

Do I have to return from a sabbatical? Readers get some answers to their career quandaries.

Career Talk

You've searched for an academic job for three years with no luck. When is it time to move on?

Career Talk


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Landing your first job
On the tenure track
Mid-career and on
Administrative careers
Nonacademic careers for Ph.D.'s
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