The Chronicle of Higher Education
Government & Politics
photo illustration BAD NEWS ABOUT BUDGETS

Annual state appropriations for higher education inched up by less than 1 percent for the 2009 fiscal year, the slowest growth in five yers.

Mr. Professor Goes to Washington

Academic expertise is no ticket to a federal job in Washington. But in an Obama administration, it can't hurt.

Nominee for Education Secretary Discusses His Priorities

Grants Have More Takers but Are Still Below Goals

Big Hopes Pinned on Obama at National Association of Scholars' Meeting

Colleges See Slowest Growth in State Aid in 5 Years

Colleges Press New Ideas as They Brace for Bumpy State-Budget Sessions

Obama Faces Wide Pool of Possible Picks for Postsecondary Posts

DEAN TO SOLICITOR GENERAL: President-elect Barack Obama has chosen Elena Kagan, dean of Harvard Law School, as his nominee for solicitor general.

ACADEMIC IS CIA PICK: Leon E. Panetta, a Washington insider turned academic, has been chosen to lead the Central Intelligence Agency.

TRIMMING THE PORK: Spending bills for the 2010 fiscal year will contain half as many earmarks as those in 2006.

PICTURE HIM: Pete Souza, an assistant professor of photojournalism at Ohio University, has been named chief White House photographer.

POSSIBLE NIH LEADER: Francis S. Collins, a former director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, may be in line to head the National Institutes of Health.

FISCAL CRISES, TUITION POLICY, STUDENT AID...: The American Association of State Colleges and Universities has released its list of the top 10 state-policy issues that will affect higher education this year.

GRIM HORIZON: President Bush's first treasury secretary told a meeting of private-college presidents that the current recession with be both deeper and longer than previous ones.


Campaign U.

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As the campaign season comes to a close, so, too, does the Campaign U. blog.

UT-Brownsville President Chosen for Obama Transition Team
President-elect Barack Obama has chosen Juliet V. Garcia, president of the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College, to serve on his transition team.

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