The Chronicle of Higher Education
photo illustration MEDICAL ADVANCE

A new doctorate in nursing practice and a certification exam offer advanced-practice nurses more autonomy from physicians. Mary O'Neil Mundinger (above), dean of Columbia University's nursing school: "If nurses can show they can pass the same test at the same level of competency, there's no rational argument for reimbursing them at a lower rate or giving them less authority in caring for patients." Physicians' groups, however, beg to differ. (Photograph by Frank Fournier)


On Hiring

The Psychology of Prestige
Will the weak academic job market also weaken the "myth of meritocracy" that dominates faculty hiring?

Thinking Twice About Jobs at Research Universities
Graduate students are turning away from top academic jobs for more family-friendly work environments, a University of California survey found.

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Brown Bag

The Brown Bag: Read a transcript of an online discussion with Judith S. Eaton, president of the Council for Higher Education Accreditation, about the future of accreditation under a new U.S. president, new education secretary, and new Congress, at a time of recession and growing demands for accountability.


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Surveys & Data

Faculty Salaries: A searchable database of faculty salaries, 1999-2006, and a list of average faculty salaries in selected fields at 4-year institutions.

Faculty Scholarly Productivity Index: An index rates the productivity of faculty members in 7,294 individual doctoral programs in 104 disciplines at 354 institutions.

Graduate-Student Stipends: A database of stipends and benefits offered by top universities to graduate and research assistants.