Picture Archive Councel of America
“If your company licenses images for commercial reproduction you should unquestionably be a member of PACA.”

The Picture Archive Council of America is the North American trade organization that represents the vital interests of stock archives of every size, from individual photographers to large corporations.

With the advent of the digital revolution, the stock photo industry has changed dramatically. If you want your enterprise to continue to flourish in this new environment, you need to be keeping on top of developments in licensing models, copyright, digital information technology, distribution methods and the evolving shape of the image business.

Membership in PACA brings you all this and more.

Founded in 1951, the organization today comprises over 150 members worldwide; two thirds are North American companies and one-third international affiliates. We continue to welcome new members who are eager to work together and to ensure that PACA remains one of the key players helping to shape the global picture world. To this end PACA is closely affiliated with other professional organizations worldwide to advance the interests of our members.

PACA Membership offers the following outstanding benefits:

“What's New” twice-monthly newsletter: PACA's e-mail newsletter brings you up-to-the-minute industry news, calendar of events, notices and more. You'll get the latest information on copyright, tax, legal and other image licensing business issues.

PACA Legal Handbook and Advice: A leader in the field of US copyright, our legal counsel, Nancy Wolff, monitors new law and rulings that affect our industry, and provides a weekly advice and review column, and a regularly updated handbook. All PACA Agency members receive one complimentary call for advice each year..

Annual National Meeting and Annual International Conference: These two important (and highly enjoyable) events provide terrific opportunities to meet others in the business, discuss important issues, participate in vital seminars and make connections with potential trade partners and vendors from around the country and the world.

Classified Ads on the PACA website: Only PACA members are allowed to run Classified Ads on our site, which reaches industry professionals worldwide. All ads run in the Update for two issues and on the website for four weeks.

PACA-Talk: Our online discussion group limited to PACA members where you can ask questions and discuss issues with your peers.

PACA Industry Survey: One of the few resources of information on this industry.

PACA Identification: Being a member of PACA helps others identify your company as one that upholds the high standards of our organization and infers credibility and responsibility to the community.

PACA Website (www.pacaoffice.org): Get a listing on the website, plus access to the Members Only areas.

Discounts: On products and services from PACA Corporate sponsors.

Perhaps the most valuable benefit of joining PACA, however, is the opportunity to meet and share information and trends with your peers across the entire spectrum of the image industry as well as becoming an active partner in our vibrant and growing professional community.

Please take this opportunity to join today. Please fill free to email me with any questions that you have. You can download the membership application at www.pacaoffice.org.

Take this opportunity to join today. Please download and fill out the membership application and return it to:

Jonathan Thomas
Membership Chair