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For Sustainable Agriculture Serving Farmers and
Ranchers Since 1965
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Watermelon girl
Visit Our
Farm-to-School pages

Community/Local Foods

Locally-Grown, Sustainably-Grown Foods in Oklahoma

Nothing beats the taste of fresh, locally grown foods!

A rainbow of fruits and vegetables grow on Oklahoma farms.
Find out how locally-grown foods can be good for you, good for the environment, and good for family farms!

It’s Fresh

Oklahoma farms grow everything from asparagus to zuchinni
 An Oklahoma Harvest Calendar


happy girl
The Oklahoma
Farm-to-School Program

Kids are digging into tasty foods grown locally


Food Connection
Do You Know Your Farmer?

Connect with farmers and farmers’ markets and find delicious local foods
The Oklahoma Food Connection
(A Directory of Farms & Farmers’ Markets Selling Locally-Grown)


Buy Fresh Buy Local
Think Globally, Eat Locally

Farmers’ markets and other local foods outlets in Northeastern Oklahoma


Local Food Is About the …
10 Reasons to Buy Local Food


What is Sustainable?
Everyone says it, what does it mean?


Students Speak
About Sustainably-Grown, Locally-Grown foods

Annual Kerr Center essay contest asks what you think and awards cash prizes to the best essays

2006: Get Healthy with Oklahoma Farm-to-School Program
2005: Healthy Choices in School Vending Machines
2004: Why Schools Should Serve Locally-grown Foods
2003: Protecting Our Farm and Ranchland
2002: Making a Sustainable Food System


tasting sorghum
Fun On the Farm!

At Fall Farm-Fest for Kids school classes explore life on an OK farm 100 years ago.



spacerspacer Closer to Home
The following stories can be found in the Kerr Center's recently published report, Closer to Home: Healthy Food, Farms and Families.


long road
Cut Those Food Miles

The average food in the U.S. travels 1500 miles from farm gate to dinner plate. Buying locally can cut those miles 90% Buying locally saves energy!
On the Menu: A Taste of Oklahoma
Food Miles and Regional Markets
Case in Point: Braum’s Dairy


dirty hands
Get Your Hands Dirty

Get up close and personal with soil and plants. Touch the earth to save the earth.
Community Gardens
School Gardens


Save Our Farms

Farmland is good for the environment. Find out how.
Farmland Preservation in Oklahoma
Farming the Family Way: Conrad Farms



*Articles may be reprinted online or in other media if editor is first notified at mailbox@kerrcenter.com.

CREES logoThis project is supported by the Community Food Projects Program of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, grant # 2004-33800-15141


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Producer Grants
Sustainable Rural Development and
Public Policy
Stewardship Ranch
Historical Farm
Community Foods
Affiliated Groups
Oklahoma Food
Policy Council
Rural Community
Care Task Force
SARE Professional
Development Program