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Asbestos Program

Welcome to the Illinois EPA Asbestos Unit.

Alan Grimmett, Manager
(217) 785-2011
(217) 782-1875
Asbestos Unit
1021 North Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Il. 62794-9276


The Illinois EPA Asbestos Unit is dedicated to protect the people of the State of Illinois and the environment from asbestos exposure. Illinois EPA is delegated authority by the USEPA to enforce the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP). NESHAP regulates asbestos during demolition, renovation and disposal.

Certain parts of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act also regulate asbestos.

The following information is available on this site:

Asbestos Fees

How Do I Manage Asbestos in my House or Apartment Building?

How Do I Manage Asbestos in my Building?

Combined Notification of Demolition and Renovation Form
The Combined Notification of Demolition and Renovation form is used for notifications sent to IEPA, Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), and Cook County. A separate copy must be sent to each agency if you are required to send a form to IDPH or Cook County. These forms are in PDF format. Download and save the form to your computer. You can fill out either form electronically but you must print it in order to provide the required original signature. Once completed, mail it to the above address.

USEPA Website - This site has some very good guidance documents.

Illinois Department of Public Health - For information regarding asbestos training, or licensure, please contact IDPH at (217) 782-3517. IDPH also has regulations regarding schools, and commercial and public buildings.

Occupational Safety & Health Administration - US Department of Labor - OSHA regulations also apply to asbestos projects.

Current Best Practices for Vermiculite Attic Insulation - USEPA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offices have received a large number of phone calls from citizens concerned about vermiculite insulation in their home that might be contaminated with asbestos. EPA is gathering more information about vermiculite insulation and other products containing vermiculite.

Please Note: Some municipalities have permit fees or other regulations regarding asbestos abatement and/or demolition activities. Please check with local authorities prior to demolition/renovation activities.

Air Menu

About the Bureau of Air
Annual Emission Report (AER)
Air Quality Information
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Asbestos Program
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