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North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks (NAGCAT)

The North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks (NAGCAT) are a resource developed to assist parents in assigning farm jobs to their children 7 - 16 years of age, living or working on farms.

The NAGCAT can help answer questions that parents often have regarding the role of their child in agricultural work:

  • "At what age are my children ready to participate in different types of farm work?"
  • "What factors should influence my decision to assign an agricultural job to my child?"

The NAGCAT can assist professionals who interact with farm parents to guide their questions and practices regarding working children:

  • "How do we counsel parents about protecting children from injury and disease associated with agricultural work?"
  • "What do I need to know to influence parents decisions about assigning agricultural work to their children?"

Click on the following links for our primary advisors and core staff.

Create your own NAGCAT calendar for your organization, get more information here.

Helping kids do the job safely is our goal!