Integrated pest management resources for Michigan Michigan State University home IPM Michigan home


Christmas trees
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Crop Advisory Team Alert newsletters

The CAT Alerts offer pest and crop management advice for current conditions. The information is written by MSU faculty and Extension educators.

Fruit: Tree and small fruit commercial production.

Vegetables: Muck and upland vegetables and potatoes.

Field crops: Corn, soybeans, dry beans, small grains, forages, sugar beets.

Landscape: Nursery and landscape settings, turfgrass, Christmas trees, forestry, and home/yard.

Greenhouse: Commercial production of garden plants.

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Sign up for email notification when new articles are posted. Vegetable edition Fruit edition Field crops edition

Thank you to the Michigan Department of Agriculture for funding in support of this web site.
We have had another successful CAT Alert season. Thank you to all of our readers. The 2009 issues will begin mid-March next year.

Recent news in CAT Alerts:

Try some of our other IPM resources:
Lady beetle searches for prey.
A lady beetle searches for prey on a pear blossom.
The MSU IPM Program maintains this site as an access point to pest management information at MSU. The IPM Program is administered within the Department of Entomology, fueled by research from the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, delivered to citizens through MSU Extension, and proud to be a part of Project GREEEN.
the web developer.