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The Americas

  • Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon (© AP Images)
    New U.S. Partnership in the Americas Is Bush Legacy to Obama

    The Bush administration will pass on to President-elect Barack Obama and his foreign policy and national security teams a legacy of a greatly strengthened U.S. partnership with the Americas says State Department’s Thomas Shannon, adding, "These and other successes have created a very strong and enduring base that will really allow the United States to enhance our relationship."



  • Fifth Summit of the Americas logo
    The Fifth Summit of the Americas: Trinidad and Tobago, 2009

    The framework of the Summit of the Americas assists the leaders and institutions of the inter-American system in building modern nations to compete in a global economy while satisfying the needs and demands of the citizens. The Summit process is a reflection of the importance given to regional governance and the need to find collective answers to the problems and challenges facing the Hemisphere.