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 Eugene OR 97440

 541-343-8971 (fax)
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This website made possible by a generous grant from the Bullitt Foundation.

The OMRI Products List

The OMRI Products List is a directory of all products OMRI has determined are allowed for use in organic production, processing, and handling.

Applications for products are reviewed against the organization’s policies and standards based on the USDA National Organic Program Rule.

Only those products that have passed this review are included in the OMRI Products List and can display the OMRI Listed® Seal — the organization’s registered certification mark.
Cover of the OMRI Products List

View for free online.

Because participation in the OMRI Review Program is voluntary, a product’s absence from the OMRI Products List does not imply its failure to comply with the National Organic Program Rule.

How to use OMRI Listed® products

The OMRI Listed® Seal assures the suitability of a product for certified organic production, handling, and processing under the following conditions:

  • The product is included in the operator’s approved organic system (farm) plan.
OMRI Listed Seal
The OMRI Listed® Seal

  • Products must be used according to any restriction described in the OMRI Products List under the product's category.

Also, OMRI recommends that users of OMRI Listed® products follow these suggestions:

  • Note that many product or manufacturer names are similar. Check to make sure that both product and manufacturer names match exactly the text on the label.
  • Apply the product according to instructions or purpose on the label.
  • Guard against the possibility of environmental contamination and negative ecological impacts.
  • Handle products with care for the safety of the workers involved.
  • Contact the manufacturer about a product’s efficacy, health and environmental effects.

How products are reviewed

OMRI reviews applications from input suppliers for products in crops, livestock, and processing. To assess compliance with the National Organic Program Rule, OMRI requires product applications to contain all the relevant public and proprietary information regarding product ingredients, formulations, and manufacturing processes.  OMRI operates under a rigorous confidentiality policy to guard against disclosure of proprietary product information to unauthorized individuals.

As a nonprofit organization, OMRI is able to offer an independent, third-party review of products that can balance the need for confidentiality in reviewing proprietary formulations with the necessity to ensure that products comply with the National Organic Program Rule.

The review process consists of two steps: review and recommendation by OMRI staff and decision making by an independent Review Panel. All products are reviewed according to published policies and standards.

Learn more about the OMRI Review Program.

How current is the OMRI Products List

Subscribers receive quarterly hardcopy addenda to the OMRI Products List in March, June, September, and December. Bimonthly updates of the OMRI Products List are made to the web version. Users may periodically check the web version to ensure that they have the most up-to-date information and status regarding OMRI Listed® products. No password or login is needed to access this free service.

All content on this website Copyright © 2008 OMRI