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Join us! The Land Stewardship Project (LSP) is a grassroots membership organization made up of farmers, as well as rural and urban residents working together for a food and agriculture system that makes sense for the land and for people. Working through LSP, members make a difference on the land, in the marketplace and in the democratic process. Together we can accomplish what we can't do alone. Please join us and
become a member
of the Land Stewardship Project today. Click here for a printable LSP brochure.

Basic membership
begins at $35 a year and includes:
a year’s subscription to our nationally recognized publication the Land Stewardship Letter,
regular updates on food and agriculture issues that affect you,
invitations to workshops and meetings,
discounts on our resources and events,
and opportunities to connect with others who share your values.

Here is what some of our members have to say about the Land Stewardship Project.

Dave Serfling, farmer

"We need organizations like the Land Stewardship Project, which is bringing farmers like myself together with non-farmers to work toward making family-sized [farming] operations the foundation of our food system...The corporate takeover of American farming is not a given. If we can come together and make a commitment to having more small family farmers on the land, we can achieve such a goal."

Sisters Mary Tacheny and Kathleen Storms, School Sisters of Notre Dame

"We support this organization because its staff continues to find multiple and creative solutions to the problems which the present system of agriculture faces. More than that they do the necessary research before taking a position, assist farmers, small town folks and other consumers develop actions called for by that research and then help bring about an organized effort to make the activity happen. In other words, they help people get things done that they believe in, things that make a difference."

Stand out from the crowd
Stand out from the crowd— join LSP today!



Members receive a year's subscription to LSP's nationally recognized newsletter, The Land Stewardship Letter. Whole Earth called the Land Stewardship Letter,

" of Whole Earth's favorite newsletters. Minnesotan ruminations on farmland stewardship, sustainable ag, and communities. It's the bioregional reality check. Grounded, intimate, striving, practical."

Articles by LSP's editor Brian DeVore have been published in national magazines such as Whole Earth, Successful Farming, Defenders, and Sierra and in regional publications like the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, Des Moines Register and the Minneapolis Star Tribune. As an LSP member, you get these insightful, well-researched articles in every issue, four times a year!

Members become part of a growing Stewardship Food Network that links LSP member-farmers who are working hard to protect land, water and wildlife with consumers who care about the quality of their food and want to support these farmers. Only members receive regular updates to the Stewardship Food Network list and only members can be listed.

Members have access to current research and information on food and agriculture issues through a variety of fact sheets, timely updates, and well researched publications on topics such as: farm profitability, corporate consolidation in agriculture, sustainable farming practices, regional food systems, federal farm policy, monitoring sustainable agriculture, alternative marketing, fighting factory farms and more. Contact LSP's Metro office for an updated list of resources.

Members coming together translates to power for positive change at the township, county, state and national levels. Members benefit from the experience of LSP organizers who assist communities fighting factory farms and who alert members to legislative policies or corporate practices that threaten the health of our soil and water, food supply and rural communities.

Members receive invitations to LSP dinners, workshops and meetings. A variety of field days, seminars, local foods dinners, and policy organizing meetings are held throughout the region providing opportunities to meet other LSP members and connect with people who share your values.

Members have the option of receiving e-mail Action Alerts (6-10 year) and/or LSP Website updates to keep members informed of new and updated information on the LSP Website.

Members have the satisfaction of knowing that they are supporting the valuable work of securing a healthful food supply; preserving soil, water and wildlife; supporting profitable, diversified, family-sized farms; organizing communities for positive change; and holding corporations and government accountable. Check out our Programs section for more information about LSP's work and activities and ways to get involved. LSP depends on the support and involvement of our members.




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Tel: 651 653-0618

 ©Land Stewardship Project, 2001

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