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Local Government Resources

Annual Report Background

The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Designation and Management Regulations require Bay Act localities to annually submit a report outlining implementation of their local programs. The annual implementation report is intended to complement the ongoing compliance review processe, and to provide post-review assessments of all local programs. Submittal by Bay Act localities of the two-page 2008 Annual Assessment of Local Government Chesapeake Bay Preservation Area Activity form (Annual Report Questionnaire) will help the Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance Board to gauge the status and continued progress of local program implementation for those localities found compliant by the Board.

Localities will be required to submit their completed annual reports at the end of each fiscal year. This fixed reporting cycle will ensure that local reports reflect the current status of each local government’s program and help Department staff better assist localities in completing the reports and subsequent compliance evaluations.

To give all localities ample time to compile the necessary information prior to submission deadline, each locality will be informed of the information to be tracked for the annual report at the time their program is found compliant.  The Department has developed spreadsheets and databases that can be used by localities to track the requested information. 

To return the questionnair you may either:

    1. Mail the Annual Report Questionnaire

Print a copy of the two-page questionnaire, fill out all the fields available for each of the 13 questions (along with any additional information you may want to include on a separate page) and mail it to:

Daniel Moore
Principal Environmental Planner
101 N. 14th Street, 17th Floor
Richmond, VA  23219


    2. Submit your completed form electronically:
  1. Fill out all the fields available for each of the 13 questions
  2. Save the completed form as a word document
  3. Save any additional information as a word document
  4. Send the saved files as an attachment to:

Please direct any questions or comments about the annual report requirement to:
Daniel Moore

Annual Report Questionnaire
Questionnaire Instructions
Local Program Status