Archived: What Should I Know About ED Grants? - September 1998
Sample Grant Award Notification
Archived Information

[award notification]

Explanation of Blocks on the Grant Award Notification

NOTE: Items preceded by an asterisk (*) differ or do not appear on formula or block grants.

For Discretionary, Formula, and Block Grants

(See Block 4 of the Notification)

  1. Recipient Name -- Legal name of the recipient, name of the primary organizational unit that will undertake the funded activity, and the complete address of the recipient. The recipient is commonly known as the 'grantee.'

  2. *Project Title -- A brief description of the project that includes the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) title and/or the project title as shown on the grant application form, the date(s) of the application, and any negotiated amendments.

  3. *Project Staff -- This block contains the names and telephone numbers of the U.S. Department of Education and recipient staff who are responsible for project direction and oversight.

    *Receipt Project Director -- The recipient staff person responsible for administering the project. This person represents the recipient to the U.S. Department of Education.

    *Education Program Staff -- The U.S. Department of Education staff person responsible for the programmatic concerns of the Department.

    *Education Grants Staff -- The U.S. Department of Education staff person responsible for the administrative and business-management concerns of the Department.

  4. *Award Information -- Unique items of information that identify this notification.

    PR/Award Number -- A unique, identifying number assigned by the Department to each application. On funded applications, this is commonly known as the 'grant number.'

    Action Number -- A numeral that represents the cumulative number of steps taken by the Department to date to establish or modify the award through fiscal or administrative means, Action number '01' will always be 'NEW AWARD.'

    Action Type -- The nature of this notification (e.g., NEW AWARD, CONTINUATION, REVISION, ADMINISTRATIVE).

    Award Type -- The particular assistance category in which funding for this award is provided, i.e., DISCRETIONARY, FORMULA, or BLOCK.

  5. *Award Periods -- Project activities and funding are approved with respect to two different time periods, described below:

    Budget Period -- A specific portion of time for which Federal funds are being provided from a particular fiscal year to fund a recipient's approved budget. The start and end dates of the budget period are shown.

    Project Period -- The complete length of time for approved activities, from the start date of the first budget period to the projected end date of the final budget period. A project period may contain one or more budget periods.

  6. *Authorized Funding -- The dollar figures in this block refer to the Federal funds provided to a recipient during the award periods.

    *This Action -- The amount of funds obligated (added) or de-obligated (subtracted) by this notification.

    *Carry-Over -- The amount of funds, remaining from the previous budget period, that are authorized by the Grants Officer for use in the current budget period. This item does not appear on all notifications.

    *Budget Period -- The total amount of funds of all obligations during the stated budget period, plus any authorized carry-over

    *Project Period -- The amount of funds obligated from the start date of the first budget period to this date. This amount does not include carry-over.

    Recipient Cost-Share -- The funds, expressed as a percentage, that the recipient is required to contribute to the project, as defined by the program legislation or regulations and/or the terms and conditions of the award.

  7. *Administrative Information -- This information is provided to assist the recipient in completing the approved activities and managing the project in accordance with U.S. Department of Education procedures and regulations.

    Payment Method -- The means by which Federal funds are transferred to a recipient's account. Most grants are paid through the U.S. Department of Education Payment Management System (EDPMS).

    Entity Number -- A unique, identifying number that the Department assigns to each recipient for payment purposes. The number is based on the recipient's Internal Revenue Service tax identification number.

    *Regulations -- The parts of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) and specific program regulations that govern the award and administration of this grant.

    *Attachments -- Additional sections of the Grant Award Notification that discuss payment and reporting requirements, explain Department procedures, and add special terms and conditions in addition to those established in Block 9 of the award. Any attachments provided with a notification continue in effect through the project period until modified or rescinded by the Grants Officer.

  8. *Legislative and Fiscal Data -- This block gives the name of the authorizing legislation for this grant, the CFDA title of the program through which funding is provided, and U.S. Department of Education fiscal information.

    Appropriation, FY, CAN, Object Class -- The fiscal information recorded by the U.S. Department of Education accounting system to track obligations by award.

    Amount -- The amount of funds provided from a particular appropriation and common accounting number (CAN). Some notifications authorize more than one amount from separate appropriations and/or CANs. The total of all amounts in this block equals the amount shown on the line, 'THIS ACTION' (see 'AUTHORIZED FUNDING' above (Number 6)).

  9. *Terms and Conditions of Award -- Requirements of the award that are binding on the recipient.

    *Grant Officer -- The U.S. Department of Education official authorized to award Federal funds to the recipient, establish or change the terms and conditions of the award, and authorize modifications to the award.

For Formula and Block Grants Only:

(See also Numbers 1, 4, 5, & 8 above)

2. Project Description -- A brief statement that identifies the date of the application, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) title, and any amendments.

3. Education Staff -- The U.S. Department of Education staff persons to be contacted for programmatic payment questions.

6. Authorized Funding

Current Award Amount -- The amount of funds that are obligated (added) or de-obligated (subtracted) by this action.

Previous Cumulative Amount -- The total amount of funds awarded under the grant before this action.

Cumulative Amount -- The total amount of funds awarded under the grant, this action included.

7. State Application Identifier (SAI) Number -- A twelve-character number assigned by a state clearinghouse to applications that require state review or that are covered by Executive Order 12372.

9. Terms and Conditions of Award

Authorized Official -- The U.S. Department of Education staff person authorized to award Federal funds to the recipient, to establish or change the terms and conditions of the award, and to authorize modifications to the award.

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Last Modified: 10/26/2004