SHIPS is a U.S./Canadian Consortium funded by the U.S. and Canadian Geological Surveys to provide public information for mitigating a potential earthquake disaster in the Pacific Northwest

Consortium agencies in the United States include US Geological Survey's Coastal and Marine Geology and Earthquake Hazards Programs, University of Washington, Oregon State University, University of Texas at El Paso, and Department of Natural Resources, State of Washington.

Canadian consortium agencies include Canadian Geological Survey, University of Victoria, University of British Columbia, and Dalhousie University.

SHIPS web development began with Guy Cochrane, Mike Fischer, and Molly Gowen-Groome, and continues with Tom Brocher and Susan Rhea.

People on the SHIPS project -

Mark Alvarez, PASSCAL

Tom Brocher, USGS, Menlo Park

Andy Calvert, Simon Fraser University

Ken Creager, University of Washington

Bob Crosson, University of Washington

Michael Fisher, USGS, Menlo Park

Phil Hammer, University of British Columbia

Roy Hyndman, Geological Survey of Canada

Keith Louden, Dalhousie University

Kate Miller, University of Texas El Paso

David Mosher, Geological Survey of Canada

Mladen Nedimovic, Lamont Doherty Geologic Observatory

Tom Parsons, USGS, Menlo Park

Tom Pratt, USGS, Seattle

Leiph Preston, University of Nevada Reno

Kumar Ramachandran, Queens University

Cathy Snelson, University of Nevada Las Vegas

George Spence, University of Victoria

Uri ten Brink, USGS, Woods Hole

Anne Trehu, Oregon State University

Craig Weaver, USGS, Seattle

Barry Zelt, formerly at University of British Columbia, presently at University of Hawaii


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Department of the Interior   U.S. Geological Survey
Last modified October 17, 2005 by Susan Rhea