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  AgriMissouri Buyer's Guide
Focus Area
AgriMissouri™ is working hard to implement aggressive strategies in each of our key focus areas. Visit each focus area’s page to view current promotions and activities.
AgriMissouri™ Buyer’s Guide
The AgriMissouri™ Buyer’s Guide is a searchable database of Missouri attractions, experiences, food products, household products, farmers’ markets, retailers and restaurants who are members of the AgriMissouri™ program. Consumers can contact AgriMissouri™ members to purchase products or learn more about their business. The database is searchable by product, company or location. Many of the companies have pictures of their products available on their feature page as well as links to their own personal web site.
About AgriMissouri
AgriMissouri’s™ objective is to promote products grown, raised or processed in Missouri. “We’ve long known that consumers want the local, high-quality, trusted brands that Missouri agriculture has to offer,” said Tony Stafford, director of the department’s Agriculture Business Development Division, which administers the AgriMissouri™ Program. “Unfortunately, small producers and companies don’t always have the resources to reach the right consumers. That’s where AgriMissouri™ comes in.”
AgriMissouri™ represents food and non-food processed products including fresh fruits, vegetables, horticultural products and agritourism destinations throughout the state. The program identifies Missouri brands and destinations through marketing and communications assistance such as advertising, promotions and educational seminars.
To strengthen the AgriMissouri™ brand and services to members, the AgriMissouri™ staff works hard to implement an aggressive marketing plan that focuses on retail, wholesale, foodservice and direct-to-consumer market channels. We also provide training to our members by offering educational opportunities and access to trade shows.
Upcoming Events
AgriMissouri™ maintains a list of upcoming events on the Events page. Visit this page and the Member Services area to learn about upcoming events in your area.
AgriMissouri™ Membership
AgriMissouri's™ objective is to promote products grown, raised or processed in Missouri. This can include fresh agricultural products or processed products derived from agricultural products. AgriMissouri™ promotes members products and experiences through a variety of promotions and events held throughout the year. Some of these include trade shows, consumer contests, workshops and the AgriMissouri Buyer's Guide.
AgriMissouri™ membership is divided into three categories to better serve our members. Each membership category receives separate membership benefits. Below are the membership categories and definitions of each.
To learn more about joining AgriMissouri™ and the membership benefits, view the AgriMissouri™ Membership Guide and Membership Application.
Product Member
Businesses that grow, raise or process Missouri agricultural products.
Agritourism/Experience Member
Business or farm that provides an agricultural experience.
Farmers’ Market Member
Any organized group of farm product producers, whether incorporated or not, that gathers to sell goods they grow or make.
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A Division of the Missouri Department of Agriculture