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Leahy Pushes Plan For Illegal Farm Workers
Sen. Patrick Leahy
Sen. Patrick Leahy
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Montpelier, Vermont - January 13, 2009

We have a follow up to our special report this fall, Foreigners on the Farm, which highlighted illegal farm workers in Vermont. The state estimates there are at least 2000 Mexican farm workers in Vermont -- many are here illegally -- since a visa program does not exist for them.

Vermont's dairy image -- hides a secret. Many milking the cows - are here illegally. And without the estimated 2000 hispanic workers -- officials say the state's dairy industry would collapse.

"Obviously the Vermont farmers want to hire Vermonters if they are available many areas they are not available and we're going to have to find a way to make sure these Vermont farms can stay in business," says Senator Patrick Leahy.

There are guest visa programs for workers in the ski and hospitality industry. And there is a visa program for seasonal agriculture help - like with apple picking. But no program for year round help -- what dairy farmers say they need - since their business is not seasonal. Farmers want a visa program to allow workers to come here legally for 2-3 years.... and they say even with the economic downturn -- they're still having a difficult time finding Vermonters who want to do the hard farm work - getting up at 3:00 am and working holidays.

Continued Leahy: "My committee will take this as a priority and we will get something done."

Senator Leahy has tried several times to pass a dairy farm guest worker program. It's always stalled -- but he expects action with a new Obama administration.

"We will do something on it - I've talked to the transition team with President Elect Obama and they are aware of the issue and I've been talking to farmers here in Vermont and I think we can work something out," explained Leahy.

The farmer we profiled in November - Rob Hunt and his workers -- shocked many -- as they talked openly about breaking the law, hoping to spur Congress to act. They have not been arrested by federal agents, and Senator Leahy has tried to work to stop farm raids.

When asked if he had talked with federal authorities to try and stop them from conducting actual farm raids, Sen. Leahy responded: "We have. We have talked to them both privately and publicly. And will continue to. My staff has been working on that in Washington."

He continued: "As a former prosecutor I know sometimes it's better to withold prosecution if you are trying to find a solution."

Senator Leahy does not have a timeframe for when a possible guest worker program bill would be completed -- but says with election politics now over - lawmakers will get down to work.

Kristin Carlson - WCAX News


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