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Major Accomplishments
A Few of Southern SAWG's Major Accomplishments

Annual Conference
Southern SAWG created a nationally-recognized conference, now entering its 17th year, that attracts over 1200 participants from across the South. The conference is unmatched in educational and networking opportunities for Southern producers, researchers, educators and
supporters who are searching for concrete tools and strategies to build a more sustainable society on the farm and in our communities.

Community Food Systems
Southern SAWG has developed a Community Food Systems Manual and helped dozens of organizations in the South to create community-based food systems. Southern SAWG has established or supported over 30 school and neighborhood garden projects in 10 states. Southern SAWG projects have taught youth about gardening, nutrition, resource conservation and the concepts of sustainability.

Sustainable Farming Enterprise Development

Southern SAWG's Natural Farming Systems in the South training and video series has provided practical tools and resources to help farmers innovate and implement a variety of sustainable farming systems.

Networking and Leadership Development
Southern SAWG has helped hundreds of family farmers and ranchers become leaders in the sustainable agriculture movement. These individuals have served on bodies such as the USDA Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program Administrative Council and the National Organic Standards Board. Southern SAWG has created avenues and tools such as farmer stories, videos, and discussion forums for farmers to exchange innovative ideas. Southern SAWG has featured hundreds of successful family farmers and ranchers as presenters at our annual conference and in SSAWG enterprise development training manuals, farmer stories, and e-newsletter articles. These producers serve as models for others who are working toward

Policy Education
Southern SAWG has helped ensure that the Farm Bill and specific federal programs are supportive of sustainable agriculture. Through regular conference calls, meetings, and action alerts, Southern SAWG has empowered its constituents to educate and motivate their legislators to support the valuable programs whose futures are subject to the Farm Bill and the yearly appropriations process. Southern SAWG has successfully championed the National Organic Program, Outreach and Technical Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers & Ranchers, Farmers Market Nutrition Program, Community Food Projects Program, Conservation Security Program, Value-Added Producer Grants Program, and ATTRA - a national sustainable agriculture information service. By building collaborative relationships with federal program administrators, Southern SAWG has worked to ensure transparency and accountability.

Disaster Relief & Local Food System Recovery
Southern SAWG has continued to partner on disaster relief efforts, and to ensure that local family farmers and community food systems are rebuilt in the areas devastated by the hurricanes. Southern SAWG partnered with several organizations to host multiple disaster preparedness and relief workshops for Southern farmers.


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