planting time wheelbarrow flowers and cattle carrots SSAWG logo

Farm Finder Services

Local Harvest
Over 5,000 visitors to their interactive site daily with free listing for farm stands, CSA's, U-picks, and farmers' markets including a searchable map! Go to to check out examples of other listings, then register as a new member to put your farm and your market on the map! Additional services include an online sales service, farm photos, and more information on buying local.

Farm Locator from The New Farm and Rodale Institute
Rodale Institute also has a free electronic directory. You can register for free on their Farm Locator directory at

Organic Food Database

OFDB is a project created by volunteers to help organic food farms, organic restaurants and organic food product makers/manufacturers get in touch with consumers seeking Organic food products and/or services. Email for for more information, or visit online at .

Farm Listing for Agritourism

Agritourism World is an Internet directory for agritourism, including a search engine to help tourists find farms and farmhouses.  More information is available at:

Raw Food Planet

Free raw lifestyle support/resource center, including listings of Organic farms, educational centers, potlucks and support groups, restaurants, vacations and retreats, chefs and caterers, garden and kitchen products, and more.  Online at

Online Sales is another site offering online sales opportunities for selling agricultural products.

Local Directories

Appalachian Sustainable Agriculture Project (Western North Carolina and Southern Appalachians)

NC Department of Ag "General Store"

An online sales outlet for farms and retail outlets in North Carolina, sponsored by NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Georgia Organics Local Food Guide

Download this guide to find farms, markets and businesses supporting sustainable foods and farms in Georgia.

Please let of know of other electronic directories helping connect consumers to local producers in the South:

Media Campaign

Learn more about SSAWG's media campaign, designed to encourage support of farmers in the southern region. 


These services are being brought to you by a partnership between Southern SAWG, and the USDA's Risk Management Agency in an effort to improve the economic sustainability of family farmers in the South.  


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