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Foot and Mouth Disease FAQ

Foot and Mouth Disease Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)?

Can people get FMD from animals?

What precautions are being taken to protect South Dakota livestock?

What import restrictions are being taken to protect the United States?

What is being done to prevent travelers from bringing FMD into the United States?

Are there any disinfectants effective for FMD?

What do South Dakota livestock producers need to do

Q: What is foot-and-mouth disease (FMD)?

FMD is a highly contagious and economically devastating disease of cattle and swine. It also affects sheep, goats, deer, and other cloven-hoofed (split-toed) ruminants. Many affected animals recover, but the disease leaves them debilitated. FMD causes severe losses in the production of meat and milk. Because it spreads widely and rapidly and because it has grave economic as well as physical consequences, FMD is one of the most dreaded animal diseases for livestock owners.

Q: Can people get FMD from animals?

The disease does not affect human safety. People, however, can spread the virus to animals. FMD can remain in human nasal passages for as long as 28 hours and can be carried on soiled footwear, clothing and other items for several days.

Q: What precautions are being taken to protect South Dakota livestock?

People are advised not to travel to countries known to have FMD. If you must visit these countries, you are advised not to visit farms, sale barns, stockyards, animal laboratories, packinghouses, zoos, fairs or other animal facilities for five days before returning to the United States. Prior to returning to the United States, you will need to shower, launder or dry clean all clothing, and remove all dirt or organic material from shoes, luggage and other personal items.

Individuals coming to South Dakota from countries known to have FMD must avoid contact with cattle, sheep, goats, swine, buffalo, elk, deer and other cloven hoofed animals for at least five days. In the event that contact with any of these animals occurs prior to the five-day interval, the premises will be quarantined for a period of two weeks. As part of the quarantine requirements, animals will be prohibited from leaving the site and all vehicles and persons must be disinfected and receive a permit from the State Veterinarian before leaving the location. Every precaution will be taken to ensure against the spread of FMD to protect South Dakota’s livestock industry.

The Animal Industry Board has coordinated  with other agencies and the livestock industry and has implemented a Contingency Plan for FMD. This plan addresses preventative and preparatory measures to mitigate the occurrence of FMD and to provide response and recovery measures in the event of an FMD occurrence.

Q: What import restrictions are being taken to protect the United States?

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) implemented an interim rule on February 21, 2001 prohibiting or restricting the importation into the United States of live swine and ruminants and any fresh swine or ruminant meat (chilled or frozen) or products from Great Britain, Northern Ireland or Argentina. The interim rule is effective retroactively. Products dated after January 14 (February 19, 2001 in Argentina) are not permitted entry into the United States.

Q: What is being done to prevent travelers from bringing FMD into the United States?

Ports of entry have been notified to enhance surveillance of travelers coming from Europe, particularly the United Kingdom (UK) because that area is now considered to be at high risk for FMD. All international travelers must state on their Customs declaration form whether or not they have been on a farm or in contact with livestock and if they are bringing any meat or dairy products from their travels back with them. APHIS officials will inspect the baggage of all travelers who indicate they have been on a farm or in contact with livestock. Any soiled footwear must be disinfected with detergent and bleach.

Any ruminant or swine products (cattle, sheep, goats, deer, and other cloven-hoofed animals), with the exception of hard cheeses and canned products with a shelf life, from FMD-infected countries will be confiscated.

Q: Are there any disinfectants effective for FMD?

The following disinfectants have been demonstrated to be effective against FMD:

  Lye (sodium hydroxide) – 2 percent solution. Mix a 13-ounce can of lye in five gallons of water.
  Soda ash (sodium carbonate) – 4 percent solution. Mix one pound soda ash in three gallons of water.
  Citric acid - 0.2 percent solution.
  Vinegar (acetic acid) - 2 percent solution. Mix one gallon of vinegar (4 percent) in a gallon of water.
  Virkon S (Antec International) at a 1:200 dilution.
  Household bleach (sodium hypochlorite). Mix three parts bleach to two parts water.

Q: What do South Dakota livestock producers need to do?

Livestock producers need to watch their livestock for blisters around the mouth or muzzle, excessive drooling, lameness, and other signs of FMD in their herd. Swine and cattle typically show signs of the disease within two to seven days of exposure. Sheep and goats may display minimal clinical signs of the disease after an incubation period of up to fourteen days. Immediately report any unusual or suspicious signs of disease to your local veterinarian, the South Dakota State Veterinarian’s Office, 605-773-3321, or USDA/Veterinary Services at 605-224-6186.  USDA also has a toll-free FMD telephone center at 1-800-601-9327.

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