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How to Download the SOIC Software

Please review the following instructions for downloading the SOIC 1.5 software. Click the button at the bottom of the page to continue downloading the software.

Download Instructions

All files needed for the installation process are contained within the downloadable ZIP file: SOIC_Install.ZIP.

Typically, depending upon your browser and setting, you will be presented with a box where you may choose to Open the download file, Save the file to your hard disk, Cancel the download, or get More Info. The More Info button will provide additional generic information on downloading from the internet with your browser.

Dialogue box that initiates the download procedure. Allows user to open or save

If you choose to save the file to your hard drive, specify the location and file name where the ZIP file will be saved.

Save As box allows user to specify location and file name where the ZIP file will be saved.

Once you have chosen a directory to save the file to, the box below will track the download progress and automatically close when downloading is complete.

Download progress box.



Page last updated: July 10, 2007
Page last reviewed: May 13, 2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)

SOIC Software

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