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Federal Agency Consistency with the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act

The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act is one of the enforceable programs in Virginia's Coastal Resources Management Program (VCRMP), which was established pursuant to the federal Coastal Resources Management Act (CZMA). The CZMA is an important law implementing the concept of federalism and emphasizes the primacy of State decision-making regarding the coastal zone. Section 307 of the CZMA (16 USC § 1456), called the Federal Consistency provision, is a tool the states use to manage coastal uses and resources and to facilitate cooperation and coordination with federal agencies.

Federal Consistency is the CZMA requirement that federal actions that have reasonably foreseeable effects on any land or water use or natural resource of the coastal zone (also referred to as coastal uses or resources, or coastal effects) must be consistent with the enforceable policies of a coastal state's federally approved Coastal Zone Management Program.

The Office of Environmental Impact Review at the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality coordinates the Commonwealth's response, including DCBLA's comments, to environmental impact review documents submitted to the agency regarding proposed federal projects. For further information regarding federal consistency, please visit the following DEQ web site: An outline of Virginia's federal consistency review process (Federal Consistency Information Package) is available in a downloadable format from the DEQ web site.

Development plans, related technical materials, and any questions concerning DCBLA's review process or submittal requirements for consistency reviews should be directed to:

Alli Baird, Chesapeake Bay Special Project Coordinator
Department of Conservation and Recretion
Chesapeake Bay Local Assistance
101 North 14th Street, 17th Floor
James Monroe Building
Richmond, Virginia 23219
Phone: 1-800-CHESBAY
Fax: (804)225-3447