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Nutrient Flux and Yield Estimates

The flux of a river-borne constituent such as nitrate is the amount that passes a given point on the river over a given period of time.

Nutrient flux = streamflow (discharge) TIMES nutrient concentration in streamwater.
Nutrient yield (flux per unit drainage area) = nutrient flux DIVIDED BY area of the watershed.

Nutrient flux estimates are complicated by the fact that discharge and streamwater concentrations vary continuously. As a result, statistical models are used to estimate nutrient flux from continuous streamflow records at gaging stations and water quality samples that are taken intermittently during the year. The accuracy and resolution (whether annual, seasonal, or monthly flux estimates are possible) of flux estimates are limited by the number of water quality samples collected during the year.

Nutrient flux and yield estimates are available
to researchers and the public. They each provide estimates of monthly, annual, and long-term average nutrient flux and yield:
  • nutrient flux and yield estimates for 4 sites on the Mississippi River or its major tributaries and to the Gulf of Mexico for the period extending from the mid-1970’s to the present (2004) for most sites. The models used to calculated nutrient flux are an improvement pervious methods.

The concentration and the daily flux of nitrate in the lower Mississippi River are good indicators of the potential flux of nitrate to the Gulf of Mexico. The graphs below show concentrations and daily flux estimates of nitrate plus nitrite as N for samples collected at Baton Rouge Louisiana, which is about 70 river miles downstream from the NASQAN sampling site at St. Francisville Louisiana. Steamflow data are from the U.S Army Corps of Engineers station at Tarbots Landing Mississippi.

Daily Flux of nitrite plus nitrate at Baton Rouge, LA through December, 2004

Nitrite plus nitrate concentration at Baton Rouge, LA through December, 2004


U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
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Last Modified: April 18, 2008
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