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Volume 44(9);  September 1989
The current state of lung transplantation.
J Dark and P A Corris
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 689–692.
PMCID: PMC462045
Cellular characteristics of sputum from patients with asthma and chronic bronchitis.
P G Gibson, A Girgis-Gabardo, M M Morris, S Mattoli, J M Kay, J Dolovich, J Denburg, and F E Hargreave
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 693–699.
PMCID: PMC462047
Accident and emergency department attendance by asthmatic children.
S M O'Halloran and D P Heaf
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 700–705.
PMCID: PMC462048
Pressurised aerosol deposition in the human lung with and without an "open" spacer device.
S P Newman, A R Clark, N Talaee, and S W Clarke
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 706–710.
PMCID: PMC462049
Bronchiolitis obliterans organising pneumonia in patients taking acebutolol or amiodarone.
P Camus, J N Lombard, M Perrichon, F Piard, J C Guérin, F B Thivolet, and L Jeannin
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 711–715.
PMCID: PMC462050
Adverse effect of additional weight on exercise against gravity in patients with chronic obstructive airways disease.
C R Swinburn, B G Cooper, H Mould, P A Corris, and G J Gibson
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 716–720.
PMCID: PMC462051
Coronary artery bypass surgery: current practice in the United Kingdom.
G D Angelini, A J Bryan, R R West, A C Newby, and I M Breckenridge
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 721–724.
PMCID: PMC462052
Decreased pulmonary distensibility in fibrosing alveolitis and its relation to decreased lung volume.
M J Thompson and H J Colebatch
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 725–731.
PMCID: PMC462053
Bronchoalveolar lavage cell counts as a predictor of short term outcome in pulmonary sarcoidosis.
N M Foley, A P Coral, K Tung, B N Hudspith, D G James, and N M Johnson
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 732–738.
PMCID: PMC462054
Infective respiratory exacerbations in young adults with cystic fibrosis: role of viruses and atypical microorganisms.
E L Ong, M E Ellis, A K Webb, K R Neal, M Dodd, E O Caul, and S Burgess
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 739–742.
PMCID: PMC462055
Laryngeal resistance immediately after panting in asthmatic subjects.
M Yanai, T Ohrui, K Sekizawa, H Sasaki, and T Takishima
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 743–748.
PMCID: PMC462056
Small cell carcinoma of the oesophagus: report of three cases and review of published cases.
D M Eccles, S G Allan, C T Sang, and M A Cornbleet
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 749–750.
PMCID: PMC462057
Treatment of oesophageal small cell carcinoma by combined chemotherapy and surgical resection: report of two cases and review of published cases.
S J Walker, A Steel, M H Cullen, and H R Matthews
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 751–752.
PMCID: PMC462058
Effect of corticosteroids on post-intubation tracheal stenosis.
J Braidy, G Breton, and L Clément
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 753–755.
PMCID: PMC462059
Annular lesion of the lung in sarcoidosis.
H Tada, R Yasumizu, S Yuasa, M Sato, and Y Mizuno
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 756–757.
PMCID: PMC462060
Heterozygous FZ alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency associated with severe emphysema and hepatic disease: case report and family study.
C P Kelly, D N Tyrrell, G S McDonald, D B Whitehouse, and J S Prichard
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 758–759.
PMCID: PMC462061
Pseudo-occupational asthma.
K M Venables, A G Davison, K Browne, and A J Newman Taylor
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 760–761.
PMCID: PMC462062
Colopleural fistula due to strangulated Bochdalek hernia in an adult.
M Sinha, P Gibbons, S C Kennedy, and H R Matthews
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 762–763.
PMCID: PMC462063
Attitudes to smoking and smoking habit among the staff of a hospital.
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 765.
PMCID: PMC462067
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 765.
PMCID: PMC462068
Minitracheotomy: a simple alternative to tracheostomy in obstructive sleep apnoea.
C D Hanning
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 766.
PMCID: PMC462069
MDL MORGAN and HR Matthews
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 766.
PMCID: PMC462070
Alveolitis associated with sulphamethoxypyridazine.
J C Porter, J S Friedland, F Wojnarowska, and J G Ledingham
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 766–767.
PMCID: PMC462071
Cardiovascular and hypokalaemic effects of inhaled salbutamol, fenoterol, and isoprenaline.
K Larsson and P Hjemdahl
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 767–768.
PMCID: PMC462072
J Crane, C Burgess, and R Beasley
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 767–768.
PMCID: PMC462073
Adrenal function in patients with active tuberculosis
Peter Mustchin
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 768.
PMCID: PMC462074
David J Barnes, Sirus Naraqi, Puka Temu, and John R Turtle
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 768.
PMCID: PMC462075
Book Notices
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 764.
PMCID: PMC462065
Non-occupational Exposure to Mineral Fibres
Thorax. 1989 September; 44(9): 764.
PMCID: PMC462066
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