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Dear Friend of Organic Farming,

Thank you for considering a donation to NOFA-NY!  You, along with our many members and supporters, help NOFA-NY make important strides towards a future that includes more organic farms and more people who understand the role of organic farming practices for improving environmental quality.

The future of New York's farms depends on us all.  Organic farming is expanding in the U.S. and throughout the world.  Your help can enable NOFA-NY to help organic farming and small farms grow and prosper here in New York.

Your generous support today will mean a safer, healthier food future for everyone.  This future is not, however, inevitable.  Chemical agriculture is still very much a reality and only a small number of agricultural policy makers and researchers grasp the essential need to think about agricultural problems and solutions within an ecological context. 

The smallest and largest gifts are appreciated for what they are - your heartfelt contribution to help us work to make things happen.  Please support the future of a sustainable food system by making a tax deductible contribution to NOFA-NY today.

Your contribution is a powerful vote for change in America's agriculture.  By supporting NOFA-NY, you are helping to educate, inspire and support the farmers of today and tomorrow.   As you sort through the many ways you can make the world a better place, we hope you will think of what we can do together and give generously.


Scott Chaskey


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Copyright © 2008 Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York, Inc. All rights reserved.