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Illinois Environmental Justice Advisory Group

Frequently Asked Questions

Environmental Justice LogoWhat is “Environmental Justice”?

Environmental justice is the protection of the health of the people of Illinois and its environment, equity in the administration of the State’s environmental programs, and the provision of adequate opportunities for meaningful involvement of all people with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.

What is the purpose of the Illinois Environmental Justice Advisory Group?

  1. Make recommendations on completing the draft Environmental Justice policy.
  2. Make recommendations on completing the draft Public Participation policy.
  3. Provide suggestions on how to prepare a plain language summary of a permit application.
  4. Provide suggestions on how to better utilize Brownfields in EJ communities
  5. Provide recommendation for improving the environment in Environmental Justice areas.

Who are the members of the Illinois Environmental Justice Advisory Group?

The Illinois Environmental Justice Advisory Group consist of representatives from Environmental Justice groups, environmental groups, community –based organizations, industry, academia, government and trade associations.

  • Blacks In Green "BIG" – Naomi Davis
  • NAACP Illinois Conference of Branches – Donald R. Jackson, Esq.
  • Sierra Club - Jack Darin
  • Illinois Energy Association – James R. Monk
  • Institute for Environmental Science & Policy – Sylvia Hood Washington, MSE, PhD, ND
  • Southeast Environmental Task Force – Alan Mammoser
  • American Bottom Conservancy – Kathy Andria
  • Village of Robbins – Mayor Irene Brodie
  • Committee for Economic Recovery – Sarah Shipp Parran
  • Chicago Legal Clinic – Keith Harley / Bess Schenkier
  • Illinois Environmental Regulatory Group – DK Hirner
  • University of Illinois at Springfield – Professor Peter Wenz
  • Chemical Industry Council of Illinois – Lisa Frede
  • Illinois Municipal League – Ken Alderson / Joe Schatteman
  • American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois – Andy Rathsack
  • Little Village EJ Organization – Kimberly Wasserman
  • People for Community Recovery – Cheryl Johnson
  • Freeport Citizens EJ Group – Lana Varner
  • Pilsen Environmental Rights and Reform Organization – Maria Chavez/Dorian Breuer
  • Kerr McGee – Robert Pounds
  • USEPA – Alan Walts
  • Illinois Environmental Council – Jonathan Goldman
  • City of Chicago Dept. of Environment – Maggie Rice
  • Chicago JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Council) – David Brinn
  • Internal Illinois EPA Environmental Justice members:
    • Gary King – Bureau of Land
    • Ed Bakowski – Bureau of Air
    • Connie Tonsor – Bureau of Water
    • Rick Cobb – Bureau of Water
    • Kurt Neibergall – Office of Community Relations
    • Scott Phillips – Division of Legal Counsel
    • Sherry Elzinga – Director’s Office
    • Dennis McMurray – Director’s Office
    • Chris Pressnall – Division of Legal Counsel

Where will the meetings be held?

The Opening meeting was held at the Illinois EPA headquarters, 1021 N. Grand Avenue East, Springfield, Illinois on July 27, 2005. Subsequent meetings will be held quarterly at locations chosen by the Illinois Environmental Justice Advisory group.

Who should I contact for more information at the Illinois Environmental Justice Advisory Group?

Kenneth L. Page
Environmental Justice Officer
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
1021 N. Grand Avenue East
P.O. Box 19276
Springfield, Illinois 62794-9276
(217) 524-1284 or (888) 372-1996

Ground Rules

  1. We will be as open as possible but honor the right of privacy.
  2. What is discussed in our group will remain confidential.
  3. We will respect differences. We won’t discount others’ ideas.
  4. We will be supportive rather than judgmental.
  5. We will give feedback directly and openly, it will be given in a timely fashion, and we will provide information that is specific and focuses on the task and process and not personalities.
  6. Within our group, we have the resources we need to solve any problem that arises. This means that we will all be contributors.
  7. We are each responsible for what we get from this team experience. We will ask for what we need from our facilitator and the other group members.
  8. We will try to get better acquainted with each other so we can identify ways we can develop professionally.
  9. We will start on time and end our meetings promptly.
  10. We will keep our focus on our goals, avoiding sidetracking, personality conflicts and hidden agendas. We will acknowledge problems and deal with them.

Environmental Justice (EJ)

EJ Policy
Contact EJ Officer
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Grievance Procedure
Advisory Group
Public Participation Policy
EJ Brochure
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