
The 44th President

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Of all the celebrities that will celebrate Barack Obama's inauguration in Washington next week, one will stand out: Oprah Winfrey.

The Senate confirmation hearing for Eric Holder Jr., President-elect Barack Obama's choice for Attorney General.

Vice President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and Secretary of State-designate Hillary Rodham Clinton took to the Senate floor to bid farewell to their colleagues.

The departing head of the Central Intelligence Agency, in a final meeting with reporters, vigorously defends the agency's practices in holding and questioning terror suspects.

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The Confirmation Hearings
Holder Tells Senators Waterboarding Is Torture

Eric H. Holder Jr., the attorney general pick, came under close questioning for his role in the pardon of Marc Rich.

S.E.C. Nominee Offers Plan for Tighter Regulation

At her confirmation hearing, Mary L. Schapiro outlined an ambitious agenda that included tighter regulation of hedge funds and credit rating agencies.

Geithner’s Skill May Trump Tax Issue

Even though Timothy F. Geithner paid more than $48,000 in delinquent taxes and interest, many still see him as best able to handle the economy.

Parties Brace for a Fight on Justice Dept. Choice

Few doubt Eric H. Holder Jr. will be confirmed as attorney general, but the Senate hearing may be more about the Bush and Clinton administrations.

For Homeland Security Nominee, Good Leadership Is in the Details

Gov. Janet Napolitano of Arizona, a cautious, deliberative self-described nerd, has started by reviewing the department’s budget.

E.P.A. Pick Vows to Put Science First

Lisa P. Jackson, chosen to head the Environmental Protection Agency, said at her confirmation hearing that her first task would be to restore scientific and legal integrity to the agency.

A Second Act for General Shinseki

Gen. Eric K. Shinseki, who predicted in 2003 that stabilizing Iraq would take more troops, pledged to transform the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Agriculture Pick’s Hearing Is Smooth

Former Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa acknowledged the struggles of the corn-based ethanol industry but stopped short of endorsing new federal help.

More News in Politics
Congress Moves on Stimulus Bill and Bailout Money

House Democrats unveiled an $825 billion fiscal recovery package, and the Senate voted to release the second half of the Treasury’s $700 billion financial bailout fund.

Security Net Wraps Capital for Inaugural

Though no credible threat has been detected, the security measures are by far the most extensive for a swearing-in.

Biden Outlines Plans to Do More With Less Power

In an interview, Joseph R. Biden Jr. laid out a vision for reinventing the vice presidency.

  • Times Topics: Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Military Planners, in Nod to Obama, Are Preparing for a Faster Iraq Withdrawal

The new plans would provide alternatives to a timetable drawn up by the top commanders to bring troops home more slowly than Barack Obama promised during his campaign.

Religious Groups Seek Swift Ban From Obama on Torture

After meeting with officials from the Obama transition team, leaders of a religious coalition said they were optimistic.

Obama Officials Ask Senate G.O.P. to Back Release of Bailout Money

Several lawmakers said they still wanted better assurances that the second $350 billion would be more carefully supervised.

House Votes to Expand Children’s Health Care

Similar versions of the bill, extending coverage to four million uninsured children, had previously been vetoed.

Video Feature VIDEO FEATURE: Choosing a President

Katharine Q. Seelye narrates a look back at the two-year campaign, including its coda.

Video VIDEO: Barack Obama’s Victory Speech

Interactive video and transcript of the president-elect’s address in Chicago on election night.

New York Times/CBS News Poll Index

Poll Watch

New York Times/CBS News Poll Index

Articles and the complete results of recent surveys.


Campaign 2008

Videos, slide shows and interactives from the 2008 campaign.

Magazine Preview
Interactive Obama’s People

In December and early January, the photographer Nadav Kander shot 52 portraits of Barack Obama’s top advisers, aides and members of his incoming administration.

Mideast Awaits Signs of Obama’s Stance on Gaza

Experts say Barack Obama must take quick steps or the Arab world will assume that he is continuing President Bush’s approach.

Inaugurations in Times of Peril

Throughout American history, some of the best Inaugural addresses have come in times of peril. This year, as Barack Obama prepares his, the country is steeped in a recession at home and fighting two wars abroad.

Assessing Obama’s Promises

Barack Obama will have to delay many of the promises he made on the campaign trail in order to focus on the economy.

Call for Inauguration Photos

NYTimes.com wants to publish your photos related to the inauguration of President-elect Obama, from the preparations through the main event and after-parties.

Talk About Race? Relax, It’s O.K.

Barack Obama has become an ice breaker when it comes to discussing racial politics.

This Is a Special Keepsake Inauguration Column

As Barack Obama prepares to be sworn in, the hoopla among marketers is reaching new heights with a round of products and advertisements pegged to the inauguration.

The Confirmation Hearings
Politics Podcast
Politics Podcast

The Times’s Sam Roberts, Floyd Norris, Adam Nagourney, Richard W. Stevenson and Jodi Kantor discuss the latest political news.

Tracking the $700 Billion Bailout

The New York Times tracks how the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program is being doled out to banks, insurance companies and more.

The 44th President
The New Team
Interactive INTERACTIVE FEATURE: The New Team

A series of profiles of potential members of President-elect Barack Obama’s administration.

The Inauguration
THE CAUCUS: The Inauguration

The latest news and features on the planning for the 56th Inaugural, Jan. 20 in Washington.

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