
Zoonoses Information - December 2008
The CFSPH has organized our zoonotic disease resources into one easy to find website.  These resources were developed over time with funding from the CDC, the USDA, and Bayer Animal Health. 
Zoonoses Resources

Animal Disease Emergencies: Local Preparedness and Response - October 2008
Is your county ready? A toolkit of materials to help counties prepare for an animal disease emergency is now available. Materials include a local response plan template, table top and functional exercises, educational presentations and handouts.
Animal Disease Emergency Resources

Disinfection Resources - October 2008
Do you know…
How to choose a disinfectant?
How to develop a disinfection protocol?
How to read a disinfection product label?
What products to use for enveloped viruses?
What viruses are enveloped?
CFSPH Disinfection Resources

Animal Shelter Infection Control Manual Now Available -
June 2008

With support from Maddie’s Fund®, the CFSPH has published the Maddie’s® Infection Control Manual for Animal Shelters.  The manual is written for veterinary personnel and provides resources to develop and implement shelter infection control plans. Detailed information on cleaning and disinfection, as well as handouts and training materials for shelter personnel are included.. A CD is included.
Infection Control Manual

Flood Disaster Resources for People, Pets and Livestock -
June 2008

Almost 40,000 Iowans were evacuated from their homes due to recent flooding. Now flooding is impacting areas in Missouri and Illinois. As the flooding situation in the Midwest continues, the CFSPH has gathered a number of resources to help veterinary clinics, animal shelters, pet owners and livestock producers to protect themselves and their animals during flooding situations, upon returning home, and during other disaster situations.
Flood Resources

Zoonoses Handbook Now Available - February 2008
With support from Bayer Animal Health, the CFSPH has published the Handbook for Zoonotic Diseases of Companion Animals. The Handbook is for veterinary and human medical professionals and addresses the etiology, prevention and liability issues for zoonoses of companion animals. It also contains materials to educate staff and clients.
Zoonoses Handbook

New Avian Influenza Resources - February 2008
The CFSPH has developed an entire section of our website for
avian influenza, including print, photo, and video resources. These materials are designed for veterinarians, government officials, and the general public.
Avian Influenza Resources

Vaccine Directory - February 2008
The CFSPH/IICAB is proud to unveil the new Transboundary Vaccine Directory online submission which enables manufacturers and international officials to add their product listings to directory.
Vaccine Directory

BRM For Producers Promotional Graphic
IICAB Website Promotional Graphic
Virus Wallchart Promotional Graphic