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100 Stories on Barack Obama
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For Obama, Lincoln was model president

Call it an Abraham Lincoln obsession gripping political junkies and history buffs everywhere.

Obama set to ride rails to historic inauguration

President-elect Barack Obama looks to President Abraham Lincoln for his inspiration, so it's only fitting that the president-elect would retrace Lincoln's 1861 trip from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Washington, D.C., to assume the presidency.

Obama's whistle-stop tour chugs on to Washington

With just a few days until his historic inauguration, President-elect Barack Obama will travel by train from the birthplace of the nation's democracy to the city where political power brokers run it.

How to watch Obama's inauguration online

More than 2 million Americans lost their jobs last year, the stock market fell by almost 45 percent from its peak, and comparisons with the Great Depression are becoming disturbingly commonplace.

Big inauguration comes with a big price tag

When President-elect Barack Obama takes the oath of office next month, the nation's capital will be the site of a massive celebration. But local officials are worried they might get stuck with the check.

Obama wants to invoke God during inauguration oath

President-elect Barack Obama will invoke God when he takes the oath of office January 20, despite a lawsuit filed by atheist and non-religious groups, according to an attorney for Chief Justice John Roberts, who will administer the oath.

President-elect's train trip poses miles of security issues

President-elect Barack Obama's January 17 train trip from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to Washington is intended to make the inauguration the most open and accessible in history.

Obama pitches plans to boost economy

President-elect Barack Obama on Friday stressed the urgency of a renewable-energy economy as he tried to shore up support for his stimulus package.

Granddaughter of slave: I was 'afraid' for Obama

Mary Dowden smiles when she thinks about this moment in history. At 80 years old, she's the granddaughter of a slave who was born in a cotton field outside of Como, Mississippi.

White supremacists watched in lead up to Obama administration

Hate crimes experts and law enforcement officials are closely watching white supremacists across the country as Barack Obama prepares next week to be sworn in as the first black president of the United States.

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