Inquiry/Question/Concern Form

What is the difference between environmental concerns and environmental emergencies?

An environmental concern is a situation that you believe threatens the environment, such as a trash dump or discarded waste tires in a stream.

An environmental emergency poses an immediate threat to the public health or the well-being of the environment.

Examples of environmental emergencies include:

  • Oil and chemical spills,
  • Radiological and biological discharges,
  • Accidents causing releases of pollutants,
  • Fish kills.

If you are involved in or witness an environmental emergency, please call the Missouri Department of Natural Resources at 573-634-2436. For more information see Environmental Emergency Response.

You may choose not to provide your name if you prefer to remain anonymous, but we won't be able to provide feedback or we may not be able to proceed with a full investigation if we do not have enough information. However, according to the Missouri Sunshine Law, any information gathered or maintained by the Department is open record and may be distributed if asked for.

The Missouri Department of Natural Resources provides a way for you to report suspected environmental concerns through this online reporting form. If you would rather contact a regional office near you feel free to use the "map for office locations" for more information.

If you have a question or want information mailed to you about an environmental topic feel free to call 800-361-4827 during regular business hours or visit our online Publications or Forms.

If you would like to request an Environmental Assistance Visit, use our online request form.  An environmental assistance visit is primarily for regulated or permitted facilities.

Required Fields (*)
This information will be forwarded to a representative in your region.  Please select a region.

*   See the map for office locations.





If you have a concern, please use the boxes below.

We appreciate your assistance and concern about the protection of the environment. To assist us in following up on your concern, please complete this form. Please try to include as much information as possible about the issue (names, addresses, dates, who, what, when, where, etc.) and how you were able to find out about this issue.

Do you wish to be notified as to the outcome of our investigation? If you don't give us enough contact information above we cannot notify you.



*    (optional)




In the Comments blank describe your request. If you are reporting an environmental concern, describe location of concern from nearest town and road intersection.

For an environmental concern, be as specific as possible, including the distance from road and whether the concern is visible from the road. Describe landmarks such as nearby streams, buildings and roads to help locate the dumpsite or other concern. Please try to include as much information as possible about the issue (names, addresses, dates, who, what, when, where, etc.) and how you were able to find out about this issue. If you choose to be anonymous, we won't be able to provide feedback or we may not be able to proceed with a full investigation if we do not have enough information.