University of FloridaSolutions for Your Life

Frequent Users Page

Top 10 EDIS Search Queries
September 2008

  1. pruning
  2. citrus
  3. vegetable gardening
  4. pruning citrus
  5. blueberries
  6. vegetable garden
  7. obreza
  8. hibiscus
  9. avocado
  10. turfgrass

Top 10 Google searches bringing traffic to EDIS

  1. fleas
  2. mange
  3. florida spiders
  4. love bugs
  5. nombres cientificos
  6. mites
  7. diversity in the workplace
  8. raccoons
  9. black snake
  10. spiders in florida

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2007 Statistics Search 2007 Statistics are available on the web statistics search form from the Statistics link at left. Based on your search criteria, it will return a list of documents with the number of requests each month and for the year 2007. Customized reports are available on request.