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Shy woman traces problem to childhood updated 21 hours, 11 minutes ago
A few years ago, when I complained to my latest, greatest, and now past therapist that I didn't want to go to some party I was invited to, I'd be bored, have nothing to say to people -- whom I wouldn't like and who wouldn't like me --she pinned me with her penetrating gaze and said, "You're a shy person."
Slights, insults and snarky remarks -- she collects them updated Tue, January 13, 2009
It was a beautiful -- no, a perfect -- day. Until a kindly but clueless grandma asked The Question That Must Never Be Posed to Any Woman, Ever. In the spirit of forgiveness, this columnist resolves to breathe in and let go...but not before recalling a landfill of grudges, slights, insults, and snarky remarks.
How to make decisions as a couple updated Thu, January 8, 2009
Decision-making can be challenging for anyone, but when a couple needs to make a collective decision, the challenge becomes greater, psychologist Dr. Josh Klapow says.
Oprah's gurus talk about her courage, struggle with weight updated Wed, January 7, 2009
CNN's Larry King spoke Tuesday evening with a team of fitness and health experts about Oprah Winfrey's latest bout with weight gain, and they reveal how she's fighting back.
Oprah's gurus talk about her courage, struggle with weight updated Wed, January 7, 2009
CNN's Larry King spoke Tuesday evening with a team of fitness and health experts about Oprah Winfrey's latest bout with weight gain, and they reveal how she's fighting back.
Oprah's trainer: How not to gain it all back updated Tue, January 6, 2009
Oprah's struggle with her weight has become almost mythic--it's not just that she's been so open and honest about it, but that millions of people share her story.
Oprah on her battle with weight updated Tue, January 6, 2009
Four years ago, when Oprah managed to get down to a trim and fit 160 pounds, she thought she'd hit on a foolproof formula for permanent weight loss. Then life --in the form of a thyroid problem and a killer schedule-- intervened. Last year she was back up to the 200-pound mark and knew something had to change. After a des...
Commentary: Holocaust love story an insult to the survivors updated Wed, December 31, 2008
I don't know whether to be sad or angry -- or both. The recent exposé of the fact that Herman Rosenblat's Holocaust memoir is a hoax was no surprise to me. From the first time I heard the story of his "miraculous" survival during the Nazi era, I doubted that it could be true.
Why her friends refuse to attend her parties updated Wed, December 31, 2008
"I'm thinking of throwing a little party," I tell my pal Karen as I hold the phone with one hand and fold a mountain of laundry with the other.
Commentary: Holocaust love story an insult to the survivors updated Tue, December 30, 2008
I don't know whether to be sad or angry -- or both. The recent exposé of the fact that Herman Rosenblat's Holocaust memoir is a hoax was no surprise to me. From the first time I heard the story of his "miraculous" survival during the Nazi era, I doubted that it could be true.

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Oprah Gail Winfrey (born January 29, 1954) is an American television presenter,
media mogul and philanthropist. Her internationally-syndicated talk show, ...
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Oprah Winfrey called Herman Rosenblat's tale of how he met his wife in a ...
PETA has bestowed upon Oprah Winfrey its "Person of the Year" award. ...

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