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subpart 247.3--transportation in supply contracts

(Revised October 01, 2002)



 247.301 General
 247.301-70  Definition
 247.301-71  Evaluation factor or subfactor
 247.305 Solicitation provisions, contract clauses, and transportation factors
 247.305-10  Packing, marking, and consignment instructions
 247.305-70  Returnable containers other than cylinders
 247.370 Use of Standard Form 30 for consignment instructions
 247.371 DD Form 1384, Transportation Control and Movement Document
 247.372 DD Form 1653, Transportation Data for Solicitations
 247.373 DD Form 1654, Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors

247.301  General


247.301-70  Definition.

"Integrated logistics managers" or "third-party logistics providers" means providers of multiple logistics services.  Some examples of logistics services are the management of transportation, demand forecasting, information management, inventory maintenance, warehousing, and distribution.


247.301-71  Evaluation factor or subfactor.

For contracts that will include a significant requirement for transportation of items outside CONUS, include an evaluation factor or subfactor that favors suppliers, third-party logistics providers, and integrated logistics managers that commit to using carriers that participate in one of the readiness programs (e.g., Civil Reserve Air Fleet and Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement).


247.305  Solicitation provisions, contract clauses, and transportation factors.


247.305-10  Packing, marking, and consignment instructions.


      (b)  Consignment instructions must include, as a minimum—


              (i)  The clear text and coded MILSTRIP data as follows:


                    (A)  Consignee code and clear text identification of consignee and destination as published in—


                            (1)  DoD 4000.25-6-M, Department of Defense Activity Address Directory (DoDAAD);


                            (2)  DoD 4000.25-8-M, Military Assistance Program Address Directory (MAPAD) System; or


                            (3)  Transportation Control and Movement Document.  Reporting procedures and instructions must comply with DoD 4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation.


                    (B)  Project code, when applicable.


                    (C)  Transportation priority.


                    (D)  Required delivery date.


              (ii)  Non-MILSTRIP shipments must include data similar to that described in paragraphs (b)(i)(A) through (D) of this subsection.


              (iii)  In amended shipping instructions include, in addition to the data requirements of paragraphs (b)(i)(A) through (D) of this subsection, the following, when appropriate:


                    (A)  Name of the activity originally designated, from which the stated quantities are to be deducted.


                    (B)  Any other features of the amended instructions not contained in the basic contract.


              (iv)  When assigning contract administration responsibility in accordance with FAR 42.202, include in instructions the—


                    (A)  Modification serial number; and


                    (B)  If a new line item is created by the issuance of shipping instructions--


                            (1)  New line item number; and


                            (2)  Existing line item number, if affected.


              (v)  For petroleum, oil, and lubricant products, instructions for diversions need not include the modification serial number and new line item number, when the instructions are—


                    (A)  For diversions overseas to new destinations;


                    (B)  Issued by an office other than that issuing the contract or delivery order; and


                    (C)  Issued by telephone or electronic media.


247.305-70  Returnable containers other than cylinders.

Use the clause at 252.247-7021, Returnable Containers Other Than Cylinders, in solicitations and contracts for supplies involving contractor-furnished returnable reels, spools, drums, carboys, liquid petroleum gas containers, or other returnable containers if the contractor is to retain title to the containers.


247.370  Use of Standard Form 30 for consignment instructions.

When complete consignment instructions are not known initially, use the Standard Form (SF) 30, Amendment of Solicitation/Modification of Contract, to issue or amend consignment instructions, and when necessary, to confirm consignment instructions issued by telephone or electronic media.


      (a)  When using the SF 30 to confirm delivery instructions—


              (1)  Stamp or mark “CONFIRMATION” in block letters on the form, and specify in detail those instructions being confirmed.


              (2)  Do not change the instructions being confirmed.


      (b)  Process the confirming SF 30 as follows—


              (1)  For contracts assigned for any contract administration function listed in FAR Subpart 42.3 to any office listed in the Federal Directory of Contract Administration Services Components, within five working days;


              (2)  For diversions of petroleum, oil, and lubricant products overseas to new destinations, within 30 days of instructions being confirmed; and


              (3)  For other contracts—


                    (i)  Telephone—within 5 working days; and


                    (ii)  Electronic media--consolidate on a monthly basis.


247.371  DD Form 1384, Transportation Control and Movement Document.

Reporting procedures and instructions for this form will be in compliance with DoD 4500.9-R, Defense Transportation Regulation.


247.372  DD Form 1653, Transportation Data for Solicitations.


      (a)  The transportation specialist prepares the DD Form 1653 at the request of the contracting officer.  The completed form will contain recommendations concerning f.o.b. terms best suited for a particular acquisition, and other suggested transportation provisions for inclusion in the solicitation.


      (b)  When appropriate, the DD Form 1653 will also include information on combined port handling and transportation charges for inclusion in the solicitation in connection with export shipments.


247.373  DD Form 1654, Evaluation of Transportation Cost Factors.

Contracting personnel may use the DD Form 1654 to furnish information to the transportation office for development of cost factors for use by the contracting officer in the evaluation of f.o.b. origin offers.




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