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SUBPART 245.71--plant clearance forms



 245.7101 Forms.
 245.7101-1 Standard Form 97, Certificate of Release of a Motor Vehicle (Agency Record Copy).
 245.7101-2 DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice Shipping Document.
 245.7101-3 DD Form 1348-1, DoD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document.
 245.7101-4 DD Form 1640, Request for Plant Clearance.

245.7101  Forms.

Use the forms listed below in performance of plant clearance actions.


245.7101-1  Standard Form 97, Certificate of Release of a Motor Vehicle (Agency Record Copy).

Use for transfers, donations, and sales of motor vehicles.  The contracting officer shall execute the SF 97 and furnish it to the purchaser.


245.7101-2  DD Form 1149, Requisition and Invoice Shipping Document.

Use for transfer and donation of contractor inventory.  Donations of industrial plant equipment may be shipped via DD Form 1149.  This form may also be used to consolidate contractor inventory redistribution system-directed shipments going to the same destination.


245.7101-3  DD Form 1348-1, DoD Single Line Item Release/Receipt Document.

Use for shipments of excess industrial plant equipment and contractor inventory redistribution system (CIRS) inventory.


245.7101-4  DD Form 1640, Request for Plant Clearance.

Use to request plant clearance assistance or transfer plant clearance.




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