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subpart 222.8--equal employment opportunity



 222.804 Affirmative action programs.
 222.804-2 Construction.
 222.805 Procedures.
 222.806 Inquires.
 222.807 Exemptions.

222.804  Affirmative action programs.


222.804-2  Construction.


      (b)  Contracting officers forward requests for instructions directly to the servicing Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) regional office (see FAR 22.609).


222.805  Procedures.


      (a)(2)  See FAR 22.609 for a list of OFCCP regional offices.


222.806  Inquires.


      (b)  Refer inquiries through the labor advisor.


222.807  Exemptions.


      (c)  Submit the request for exemption with a justification through contracting channels to the labor advisor who will forward them to the agency head.  If the request is submitted under FAR 22.807(a)(1), the agency head shall act on the request.  If the exemption is granted, the agency head shall notify the Director, OFCCP of such action within 30 days.  If the request is submitted under FAR 22.807(a)(2) or (b)(5), the agency head will forward it to the Director, OFCCP for action.




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