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 219.602 Procedures.
 219.602-1 Referral.
 219.602-3 Resolving differences between the agency and the Small Business Administration.

219.602  Procedures.


219.602-1  Referral.

When making a nonresponsibility determination on a small business concern, the contracting officer shall notify the contracting activity's small business specialist.


219.602-3  Resolving differences between the agency and the Small Business Administration.


      (c)(i)  If the contracting officer believes the agency should appeal, the contracting officer shall immediately inform the departmental director of the Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, and send the director, through departmental channels—


                    (A)  A request for appeal, summarizing the issues.  The request must be sent to arrive within five working days after receipt of the SBA Headquarters’ written position.


                    (B)  An appeal file, documenting the contracting activity's position.  The file must be sent to arrive within five working days after transmission of the request.


              (ii)  The departmental director will determine whether the agency will appeal and will notify the SBA of the agency's intent.




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