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subpart 208.72--industrial preparedness production planning

(Revised April 30, 2003)



 208.7201 Definitions
 208.7202 General
 208.7203 Authority
 208.7204 Procedures

208.7201  Definitions

As used in this subpart—


      “Industrial base” means that part of the total privately-owned and Government-owned industrial production and maintenance capacity of the United States and Canada, which will be available during national emergencies to manufacture and repair items required by the departments.


      “Industrial preparedness production planning” means planning designed to maintain an adequate industrial base to support DoD requirements for selected essential military items in a national emergency.


      “National emergency” means a condition declared by the President or the Congress which authorizes certain emergency action in the national interest, including partial or total mobilization of national resources.


      “Planned item” means any item selected for industrial preparedness planning under the criteria of DoDI 4005.3, Industrial Preparedness Planning.


      “Planned producer” means an industrial firm which has agreed by either non-binding memorandum of understanding or binding contract/contract clause to provide production capacity data, to maintain existing capacity for a negotiated period of time, and to accept contracts for planned items upon the request of the Government.


208.7202  General.


      (a)  Under the Industrial Preparedness Production Planning (IPPP) program, DoD components and industry work together to ensure essential military items are available during an emergency.


      (b)  Departments and agencies select weapon systems and items for planning in accordance with DoDI 4005.3, Industrial Preparedness Planning.  Planning is conducted only with U.S. or Canadian sources.


      (c)  The use of privately-owned facilities is preferred to minimize the need for Government investment.  Departments and agencies will include Government-owned production facilities in the industrial base only when—


              (1)  Private industry is unable to provide the facilities necessary to support DoD requirements; or


              (2)  The facilities are necessary—


                    (i)  For reasons of national security; or


                    (ii)  To ensure a quick response capability to meet fluctuating demands.


208.7203  Authority.

Authority under current contracting procedures to accomplish industrial planning actions includes—


      (a)  Leasing of Government-owned property to planned emergency producers under the authority of the Military Leasing Act of 1947, 10 U.S.C. 2667;


      (b)  Acquisitions in the interest of national defense under FAR 6.202(a)(2), or in case of a national emergency or to achieve industrial mobilization under FAR 6.302-3;


      (c)  Acquisition of items restricted under 225.7005 and Subpart 225.71;


      (d)  Use of multiyear contracting (FAR Subpart 17.1);


      (e)  Providing Government production and research property to contractors; and


      (f)  Use of direct payment for idle facilities or idle capacities reserved for defense mobilization production (FAR 31.205-17(d)).


208.7204  Procedures.


      (a)  Except as otherwise provided in FAR or DFARS, solicit planned producers for all acquisitions of their planned items, when the acquisition exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold.


      (b)  The contracting officer may contract for industrial planning efforts for selected essential military items.  These efforts may include, but are not limited to, the maintenance of Government-owned industrial facilities (real and personal property) or production data packages.  These planning efforts may be acquired through an individual service contract or as a line item on a contract for a planned item.






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