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Catalogue: Prophetic Medicine

dot A Note on Prophetic Medicine
dot A Note on ibb al-nabawī   (MS A 79, MS A 32)
by Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muammad ibn Amad ibn ‘Uthmān al-Dhahabī (d. 1348/748)
ابو عبد الله محمد ابن احمد ابن عثمان الذهبى

dot al-ibb al-nabawī   (MS A 79)
(Prophetic Medicine)
الطب النبوى
by Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muammad ibn Amad ibn ‘Uthmān al-Dhahabī (d. 1348/748)
ابو عبد الله محمد ابن احمد ابن عثمان الذهبى

dot Kitāb al-ibb al-nabawī   (MS A 32)
(Prophetic Medicine)
كتاب الطب النبوى
by Abū ‘Abd Allāh Muammad ibn Amad ibn ‘Uthmān al-Dhahabī (d.1348/748)
ابو عبد الله محمد ابن احمد ابن عثمان الذهبى

dot Kitāb al-Ramah fī al-ibb wa-al-ikmah   (MS A 29)
(The Book of Mercy Concerned with Medicine and Wisdom)
كتاب الرحمه فى الطب والحكمه
by Muammad al-Mahdawī ibn ‘Alī ibn Ibrāhīm al-anawbarī (d. 1412/ 815)
محمد مهدى ابن على ابن ابراهيم الصنوبرى

dot al-Manhaj al-sawī wa-al-manhal al-rawī fī al-ibb al-nabawī   (MS A 41)
(An Easy Manual and Refreshing Source for the Medicine of the Prophet)
المنهج السوى والمنهل الروى فى الطب النبوى
by Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūī (d. 1505/911)
جلال الدين السيوطى

dot Narah fī aādīth al-mā’ wa-al-riyā   (MS A 35, item 4)
(Health in the Treaditions Regarding Water and Gardens)
نضره فى احاديث الماء والرياض والخضره
by Jalāl al-Dīn al-Suyūī (d. 1505/911)
جلال الدين السيوطى

dot Nukat wa-asrār kafīyah fī al-ibb   (MS A 50, item 1)
(Aphorisms and Secrets Sufficient for Medicine)
نكت واسرار كافيه فى الطب
by usayn ibn Ibrāhīm ibn Walī ibn Nar ibn usayn al-anafī (fl. 1593/1001)
حسين ابن ابراهيم ابن ولى ابن نصر [ ...] ابن حسين الحنفى

dot Kitāb al-Maābī al-sanīyah fī ibb al-barīyah   (MS A 38)
(Brilliant Illuminations concerning Prophetic Medicine)
كتاب المصابيح السنيه فى طب البريه
by Shihāb al-Dīn al-Qalyūbī (d. 1659/1069)
شهاب الدين احمد ابن احمد ابن سلامه القليوبى

dot Risālah fī al-khitān   (MS A 35, item 13)
(Essay on Circumcision)
رساله فى الختان
by ‘Abd al-Mu‘ī ibn Sālim ibn ‘Umar al-Shiblī al-Simillāwī (fl. 1698/1110)
عبد المعطى ابن سالم ابن عمر الشبلى السملاوي

dot Fi manāfi‘ al-a‘imah bi-l-aādīth   (MS A 88/IV)
(On the Use of Foodstuffs in the Prophetic Tradition)
فى منافع الاطعمه بالاحاديث
by Abū al-Qāsim al-abīb al-Naysābūrī (fl. 1750/1163)
ابو القاسم الحبيب النيسابورى

dot Tahdhīb al-maqāmah fī-mā warada fī al-fad wa-al-ijāmah   (MS A 88/III)
(The Instruction to the Congregation on What has Been Said Concerning Venesection and Cupping)
تهذيب المقامة فيما ورد في الفصد والحجامة
by Muammad ibn Muammad, Muftī al-anafīyah bi-al-Quds al-Tāfilātī (d. 1777/1190)
محمد ابن محمد التافلاتى مفتى الحنفية بالقدس

dot [Prophetic Medicine   (MS A 91, item 9)
by al-Shaykh Abū al-‘Abbās known as Ibn al-Mīlaq (after mid-15th cent)
ابو العباس الشهير بابن الميلق

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