Welcome to the Christian Classics Ethereal Library!

Welcome to the CCEL! The mission of the CCEL is to build up the church by making classic Christian writings available and promoting their use.

Volunteer Discussion Group: The continued operation of the CCEL and its mission depend on the generous donation of time and resources by many volunteers. CCEL volunteers proofread books, write biographies, lead discussion groups, translate books, and a whole host of other tasks.

The CCEL has a volunteer discussion group with information designed to help individuals start volunteering for CCEL, to provide support and information to volunteers, and to provide a place for online discussion about various CCEL volunteer projects.

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Examples: glory, "Holy Spirit", israel*, Matt. 5:8
New newsletter. The January issue of The CCEL Times ("Bringing the Classics to Life!") is now available!
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Today's Meditation

What We're Reading

In this section we hope to highlight a good book that one of the CCEL staff or someone else is reading.

by Pam Plantinga
The Practice of the Presence of God is one of the best books I’ve ever read. It is a series of conversations with and letters from Brother Lawrence, a lay brother among the Carmelites in the 17th century. Brother Lawrence lived with a consuming love for God and a desire to do all for Him, and his words are a great encouragement to us to do the same.
[Read more]

What's New

2008-09-11: Added a ThML edition of Guthrie's The Christian's Great Interest, digitized by Charles Bowen

2008-08-11: Added A Name in Heaven: the Truest Ground of Joy and The Almost Christian Discovered by Matthew Mead. Digitized by Charles Bowen.

2008-08-05: Added Beginnings of Christianity Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 by Paul Wernle. Digitized by Charles Bowen.
