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TheCapitol.Net, Inc.   
Mail: PO Box 25706   Alexandria, VA  22313-5706
Deliveries: 4 Herbert Street, Alexandria, VA  22305
703-739-3790  Fax: 703-739-1195

Please see our email notice before sending us email.


Some of the advertisers and web analytics used on our web sites may place "tracking cookies" on your computer. We want you to know how to get rid of these tracking cookies if you like. Tracking cookies are small text files that can tell such companies what you are doing online, even though they usually don’t record your name or other personally identifiable information. These cookies are used by these companies to try and match ads to a user’s interests. They are used all over the Web. We want you to know how to get rid of these tracking cookies if you like. Here is a link to a page that discusses blocking tracking cookies:

If you want to clean out all tracking cookies from all your Web sites, here are links where you can download three programs that can clean out tracking cookies:

Alternatively, you can go into your browser and manually delete all cookies. You can also change the preferences or settings in your Web browser to control cookies. In some cases, you can choose to accept cookies from the primary site, but block them from third parties. In others, you can block cookies from specific advertisers, or clear out all cookies. Not all cookies are tracking cookies.

  • Firefox: Tools > Options > Privacy, under Cookies uncheck box and select Show Cookies
  • IE: Tools > Internet Options > General, under Browsing History you can delete all cookies, saved passwords, and also adjust Settings
    IE: Tools > Internet Options > Privacy, adjust Settings to desired level

Like most other Web sites, ours may place cookies on your computer, in addition to any placed by advertisers. But our cookies aren’t "tracking cookies." They do things like save your "Ship To" and "Bill To" information, if you choose to register for a course or buy a publication from us. Our shopping cart uses these cookies, they do not tell us what you do or where you go online.

If you want to order from us but you do not want to accept the cookies required by our shopping cart, you can order using fax or mail using a print out of our order form (1-page pdf ). Also see our Registration Information page.

 Privacy Notice

This is how we will handle information we learn about you from your visit to our web site. The information we receive depends upon what you do when visiting our site.

We use cookies on our web site for our shopping cart.  If you do not want to use cookies, you will not be able to register or order online, but you can still register or order by printing out a pdf order form from our current brochure and sending that to us via fax or mail.

If you visit our site to read or download information:

We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site.

This site contains links to other sites. TheCapitol.Net is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.

When you visit our web site, we collect and store only the following information about you: the name of the domain from which you access the Internet (for example, aol.com, if you are connecting from an America Online account, or princeton.edu if you are connecting from Princeton University's domain); the date and time you access our site; and the Internet address of the website from which you linked directly to our site.
We use the information we collect to measure the number of visitors to the different sections of our site, and to help us make our site more useful to visitors.

Our site uses forms for customers to request information, products, and services. When a visitor purchases a service or product from us, we collect the visitor's contact information (like their email address, mailing address, fax and telephone numbers), the visitor's IP address and browser type, and financial information (like credit card numbers).

Contact information from the order form is used to send registration confirmations, orders and information about our company to our customers. The customer's contact information is also used to get in touch with the visitor when necessary, and is added to our in-house mailing list (regular postal mail) and fax list. We add email addresses to our in-house email list ONLY when a customer asks us to do so or when a customer gives us permission on our registration and order forms via the check box or radio button. Our online forms by default are set to "No, do not add me."  When neither Yes nor No is checked online or in print we treat it as a No. See our Email Update page for more information.

When you register for a TCN course that is sponsored in conjunction with Congressional Quarterly*, your contact information (but NOT your email address and NOT your fax number) IS shared with Congressional Quarterly.  We do not rent, sell, share or loan our client information to any other third party.

* Capitol Hill Workshop, Congress in a Nutshell, Congressional Dynamics and the Legislative Process, Grassroots Lobbying, Understanding Congressional Budgeting and Appropriations, Advanced Federal Budget Process, Advanced Legislative Strategies, Working with Congress and Congressional Staff, Tracking and Monitoring Legislation, Preparing and Delivering Congressional Testimony, and Drafting Effective Federal Legislation and Amendments.

Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for products and services.

If you identify yourself by sending us email:

You also may decide to send us personally-identifying information, for example, in an electronic mail message containing a suggestion. We use personally-identifying information from users in various ways, primarily to respond to suggestions and inquiries.  Personally identifying information is never disclosed to any person or organization not affiliated with TheCapitol.Net, other than when you register for a Congressional Quarterly program as described above or if you send us spam or email that threatens us or asks us to boycott something, in which case we are free to publish your contact information and your message - to the whole world.  
In other words, personally identifying information given to us is not shared, given or sold to any person or organization not affiliated with us except when you register for a Congressional Quarterly Executive Conference, as described above, or if it is spam or contains threats or asks us to boycott a product or service.  If you send us email, you will not be sent any mail, files, telephone calls or email messages from us unless you bought something from us or requested information from us.

You can contact TheCapitol.Net by telephone, fax, or electronically via online forms on our web site. Before you do, there are a few things you should know.

The material you submit may be seen by various staff members and independent contractors working for and with TheCapitol.Net. We may enter the information you send into our electronic database, to share with our editors and staff involved in developing and maintaining our website, programs and courses, custom training and publications.

Also, email is not necessarily secure against interception. If your communication with TheCapitol.Net or any other entity is very sensitive, or includes personal information like your bank account, charge card, or social security number, you might want to send it by postal mail, call it in via telephone, or send it to us by fax instead.

  Contacting the Web Site

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this web site, you can contact:

Chug Roberts, TheCapitol.Net, PO Box 25706, Alexandria, VA  22313-5706 
Phone: 703-739-3790    Fax: 703-739-1195
Use our web form

We want to be very clear: We will not obtain personally-identifying information about you when you visit our site, unless you choose to provide such information to us, and we do not share, give, trade, rent or sell any client information to any third party, other than as stated above when you register for a TCN course sponsored in conjunction with Congressional Quarterly or when you send us spam or threats or ask us to boycott a product or service.

Please see our email notice before sending us email.

(This statement on privacy is adopted from a model privacy statement from the FTC.)


This site gives users the following options for removing their information from our own database to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service.  However, if your name appears on a mailing list that we rent you may still receive our mailings.  


This site gives users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided.

 Copyright ©

All material on TheCapitol.Net web pages is
   Copyright © 1998 - 2009 by TheCapitol.Net, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

All of our courses, training conferences, custom training programs, workshops, seminars, telephone seminars, and audio CDs, including their agendas, are 
   Copyright © 1999 -
2009 by TheCapitol.Net, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. 

No recording of our training programs or telephone seminars is allowed. Capitol Learning Audio Courses, whether distributed to you on CD or any other format or medium, may not be copied or stored in any format other than the original format or medium sent to you by TheCapitol.Net. Audio Courses may not be copied or stored on any computer or electronic device other than for your own personal use. If you want to use our audio courses for others, please contact us to arrange for a site license.

All statements and discussion at all of our courses, workshops, and seminars, public and custom, are off the record and not for attribution, unless specified otherwise. The resulting confidentiality ensures a frank and free exchange of views.

For permission to use any of our copyrighted material whether from our web site or from any of our publications, please send us a written request that specifies the requesting organization, the date, place and name of the event of use, and the quantity to be published. We have a specific form of permission that must accompany republished versions of our copyrighted material, and we require one copy of the materials containing our copyrighted material. Send your request on organization letterhead to Publisher, TheCapitol.Net, PO Box 25706, Alexandria, VA  22313-5706 Fax: 703-739-1195.


All trademarks not belonging to TheCapitol.Net and appearing on TheCapitol.Net web pages are used with permission or in an editorial fashion.

The CQ (Congressional Quarterly) trademarks are used with the permission of Congressional Quarterly, Inc.

 Marketing Lists

  Email List
  • See our email list page for information about the list and instructions about subscribing to and unsubscribing from our opt-in email list.
  • We do NOT rent, sell, share, or loan our email list To or WITH anyone else. We do NOT rent, buy, or borrow email lists FROM anyone else; we email ONLY to those on our opt-in list. 
  Regular Mail List
  • For those on our in-house mailing list, users may OPT-OUT of receiving future mailings; see the Choice/Opt-Out section below. (If your mailing address includes a nearby code that begins "tcn..." or "act...", then you should contact us to remove your name from our in-house mailing list.

  • However, if your name appears on a mailing list that we rent, you may still receive our mailings.  

  • If you want to be added to our regular mailing list so you can receive our catalogs and postcards announcing our courses and publications in the mail, use this form.

  • We do not rent, sell, share, or loan our in-house mailing list EXCEPT when you register for a TCN course sponsored in conjunction with Congressional Quarterly *.  Then your contact information (but NOT your email address and NOT your fax number) IS shared with Congressional Quarterly.  We do NOT rent, sell, share, or loan our client information to any other third party.

    * Capitol Hill Workshop, Congress In A Nutshell, Congress and the Legislative Process, Understanding Congressional Budgeting and Appropriations, Advanced Federal Budget Process, Advanced Legislative Strategies, Working with Congress and Congressional Staff, Tracking and Monitoring Legislation, Preparing and Delivering Congressional Testimony, and Drafting Effective Federal Legislation and Amendments.

  Fax List
  • If you are getting our marketing faxes and you do not want to receive them, contact us with your fax number and we will put that fax number on our "do not fax" list (please send us the name and the fax number to which the fax was sent). 

  • If you want to be added to our fax list so you can receive a 1-page fax approximately once every three weeks announcing our upcoming courses, use this form.

  • We do NOT rent, buy, or borrow fax lists from outside vendors; we fax only to those on our in-house list.  

  • We do NOT rent, sell, share, or loan our in-house fax list to anyone.  

  • We have excellent relationships with all of our vendors and we value working with people and businesses that share our commitment to high quality and that value our time as much as we value their time. 

  • We don't buy ANYTHING from anyone who calls us first and will not give us, at the outset: 

    • Their name 

    • Their company's name

    • A number to call them back 

  • We don't buy anything from unsolicited commercial email, i.e., spam. (Btw - send your spam, with full headers, to uce@ftc.gov

  • We don't buy anything from people who "just happen to be in the neighborhood" and drop in without an appointment.

 Pages and URLs on Our Web Site

Feel free to link to any page on our web site. However, do not frame any of our web pages with your page or in another web page.  All material on TheCapitol.Net web pages is Copyright © 1998-2009 by TheCapitol.Net, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

We keep all URL's ever used on our web site active (i.e., permanent URLs, or PURLs). Not all document or image links (links ending in .doc or .pdf or .jpg or .gif) are kept active.  That means that if we move a web page, we will provide forwarding information on the old page, describing the new location of the page.  If we discontinue a web page, we will place a notice on the page that it is no longer available. (URL means "Uniform Resource Locater," i.e., the web address that appears in your browser's Address line. For example, this page's URL is http://www.TheCapitol.Net/Privacy/ ) 

We attempt to keep all links on our web site in working order.  However, because the Internet is always changing, links to other web sites may go dead.  If you find a dead link, feel free to send us a note via our web form to let us know.  Please include the URL of the page on our site where the dead link appears.

We do not sell or accept advertising from any third party other than Google ads, blogads, and Amazon ads on our web site. 

At the bottom of most of our web pages, we provide the page's URL and the date the page was last updated.

All of the pages on our web site are Copyright © 1999-2009 by TheCapitol.Net, Inc.  All Rights Reserved. 

Although you can LINK freely to any page on our web site, you must have our written permission to republish any material from our web site in any format or medium, because we like to know where and how our material is being used. (E.g., this means that you can NOT FRAME any of our web pages in your web page.)  Such written permission is routinely freely granted.  In exchange for the free use of our material, we ask that our copyright, name, address and main web address, www.TheCapitol.Net, appear as part of the republished material.  


TheCapitol.Net is a non-partisan firm, and the opinions of its authors, faculty, clients, and the owners and operators of its vendors are their own and do not represent those of TheCapitol.Net.

The Internet is an immense global electronic network over which there is little federal, state, or local control. Neither content nor usage is systematically monitored. You should be aware that the Internet contains material of a controversial nature. TheCapitol.Net can not monitor or control access to such material, nor can it protect you from information that you may find offensive.

The accuracy, completeness, and currency of information found on the Internet varies widely. You should use critical judgment in relying on information found on the Internet. There are inherent dangers in the use of software found on the Internet, and you should make sure that you completely understand the risks before retrieving any software from the Internet.

The Internet is not secure and the privacy of email and other online communication is not guaranteed.

TheCapitol.Net provides links to other sites only as a convenience to you; it has not tested any software found on any of these sites nor does it vouch for the accuracy or suitability of any text or images found on any of the sites linked to.

Parents concerned about their children's use of the Internet are encouraged to read and share with their children "Kids' Rules for Online Safety," from SafeKids.

Although TheCapitol.Net endeavors to maintain the accuracy of the links on its web pages, those links can and do change often, rapidly, and unpredictably. You are asked to inform us of links that you would like to find on these web pages and that you find are not accurate or do not work.

Web sites linked to in these pages are not under the control of TheCapitol.Net, and it makes no representations to you concerning the content of the sites linked to. The appearance of a link in these pages is not an endorsement of the linked site by TheCapitol.Net.

Please see our email notice before sending us email.

Finally, TheCapitol.Net assumes no responsibility for damage to your computer, disks, or files arising from the use of these web pages, the Internet, or the links provided.

Many of the books, music and videos on TheCapitol.Net pages are for sale by TheCapitol.Net in association with Amazon.com

Search the Amazon.com Catalog

URL:  www.TheCapitol.Net/Privacy/       Last updated: January 02, 2009


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TheCapitol.Net, Inc.

PO Box 25706, Alexandria, VA  22313-5706
Phone: 703-739-3790   Fax: 703-739-1195    Email Us

Copyright © 1999-2009 by TheCapitol.Net, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.