
The Linnean Society's copy of 'Species Plantarum', vol.1, 1753, annotated by Linnaeus. A PDF can be viewed on 'Botanicus'. (© The Linnean Society)

Digital libraries with Linnaean material

  • Animalbase - provides free access to historical zoological literature and particularly to the publications where name-bearing zoological taxa were originally described. Most zootaxonomically relevant publications by Linnaeus have been digitized.
  • - the Ant Taxonomy Knowledge System - provides a continually updated catalogue of the world's ant species with access to the entire publication records on ant systematic literature. 



Linnean correspondence being conserved at Dundee University Library Book & Paper Conservation Studio.

Projects associated with the Linnean Society

  • Project Linnaeus. An international collaboration of scientists and historians formed to edit and publish electronically the lifetime’s correspondence of Carl Linnaeus.

  • The Linnaeus Link Project. An international collaboration aimed at producing a union catalogue devoted to the work of Carl Linnaeus, supported by web-based descriptions of significant Linnaean collections worldwide.

  • The Linnaean Typification Project. The Natural History Museum, in collaboration with the Linnean Society of London, has been collating and cataloguing information on published type designations for Linnaean plant names and, where none exists, has been collaborating with specialists in designating appropriate types.


Linnaean Collections

Linnaeus's own herbarium, housed at the Linnean Society of London, is the single largest collection of the specimens seen and used by Linnaeus. There are a number of other collections which contain original material for the names he described. These include collections of specimens (e.g. those at H, MW, S, SBT, UPS) given away by Linnaeus to students and colleagues, but also other collections that he studied at some point but which never formed part of his own herbarium. The latter include the George Clifford, John Clayton and Paul Hermann herbaria (all at BM and all digitised and searchable on-line), as well as those of Joachim Burser (UPS) and Adriaan van Royen (L). Some species were known to Linnaeus only through the publications of other authors such as Hans Sloane, Charles Plumier, Johannes Burmann and many others.

  • Herbarium Linnaeanum
    Digital images from the herbarium of Moscow State  University, available on CD-ROM.

  • Linnean Herbarium (S-LINN) The Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm holds a collection of 4,000 plant specimens that were distributed by Linnaeus to a number of his disciples.  They contain a number of type speciments.  The Museum is in the process of digitising these collections.

  • The Linnean Society of London
    The world's oldest natural history society and holders of Linnaeus's original library and collections. The Society is in the process of digitising its collections.

  • Strandell Collection of Linnaeana
    The largest collection of published material by and about Linnaeus outside Sweden held at the Hunt Institute for Botanical Information.

  • The University Libraries at Kansas State University, in Manhattan, Kansas, hold the Mackenzie Linnaeana collection, formerly at the New York Horticultural Society, which consists of all the important editions of Linnaeus's writings, nearly 200 theses written by Linnaeus for his students at the University of Uppsala, and his doctoral dissertation.



  • Linnaeus' Garden
    Information on the garden - a reconstruction of the Uppsala University Botanical Garden in the days of Linnaeus.
  • Linné on line An extensive Swedish portal from the University of Uppsala to information on Linnaeus.