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Influenza / Flu

What Is Flu?


Flu or influenza is a respiratory illness characterized by high fever (over 101°F), extreme fatigue and body or muscle aches lasting 3 to 4 days or more. It does not typically cause stomach upset, diarrhea, or vomiting. Differences between influenza and the common cold are the following:

Signs & Symptoms Flu Cold


Onset sudden gradual
Fever high (over 100°F);lasting 3 to 4 days less common; usually low-grade
Cough dry; can become severe hacking or congested
Headache common rare
Muscle aches and pains usual; often severe slight
Tiredness and weakness can last 2 to 3 weeks very mild
Extreme exhaustion early and prominent rare or never
Chest discomfort common mild to moderate
Stuffy nose sometimes common
Sneezing sometimes usual
Sore throat sometimes common


For more information about the flu, visit the CDC Key Facts about the Flu website.

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