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(Revised October 01, 2001)



 237.201 Definition.
 237.203 Policy.
 237.270 Acquisition of audit services.
 237.271 Management controls.
 237.272 Requesting activity responsibilities.

237.201  Definition.

“Advisory and assistance services,” as used in this subpart, means services in the following three major categories when provided by nongovernmental sources (10 U.S.C. 2212):


(1)    Management and professional support services.  This category consists of services that—


(i)        Provide engineering or technical support, assistance, advice, or training for

the efficient and effective management and operation of organizations, activities, or systems;


              (ii)  Are closely related to the basic responsibilities and mission of the using organization; and


              (iii)  Include efforts that support or contribute to improved organization or program management, logistics management, project monitoring and reporting, data collection, budgeting, accounting, auditing, and administrative or technical support for conferences and training programs.


      (2)  Studies, analyses, and evaluations.  This category consists of services that—


              (i)  Provide organized, analytic assessments to understand or evaluate complex issues to improve policy development, decision-making, management, or administration;


              (ii)  Result in documents containing data or leading to conclusions or recommendations; and


              (iii)  May include databases, models, methodologies, and related software created in support of a study, analysis, or evaluation.


      (3)  Engineering and technical services.  This category consists of services that take the form of advice, assistance, training, or hands-on training necessary to maintain and operate fielded weapon systems, equipment, and components (including software when applicable) at design or required levels of effectiveness.


237.203  Policy.


      (1)  Every contract for engineering and technical services, alone or as part of an end item, shall—


              (i)  Show those services as a separately priced line item;


              (ii)  Contain definitive specifications for the services; and


              (iii)  Show the work-months involved.


      (2)  Agency heads may authorize personal service contracts for engineering and technical services provided on site at Defense locations to meet an unusual essential mission need.  The authorization will be for an interim period only.


237.270  Acquisition of audit services.


      (a)  General policy.


              (1)  Departments and agencies shall not contract for audit services unless the cognizant DoD audit organization determines that expertise required to perform the audit is not available within the DoD audit organization, or temporary audit assistance is required to meet audit reporting requirements mandated by law or DoD regulation.


              (2)  DoDD 7600.2, Audit Policies, provides DoD audit policies.


              (3)  DoDI 7600.6, Audit of Nonappropriated Fund Instrumentalities and Related Activities, provides guidance to audit organizations for audits of nonappropriated fund organizations.


              (4)  DoD 7600.7-M, Internal Audit Manual, Chapter 20, provides policy and guidance to DoD audit organizations for the monitoring of audit services provided by non-Federal auditors.


      (b)  Contract period.  Except in unusual circumstances, contracts for recurring audit services shall be awarded for a 1-year period with at least 2 option years.


      (c)  Approvals.  Contracting officers shall not issue a solicitation for audit services unless the requiring activity provides evidence that the cognizant DoD audit organization has approved the statement of work.  The requiring agency shall obtain the same evidence of approval for subsequent material changes to the statement of work.


      (d)  Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.


              (1)  Use the provision of 252.237-7000, Notice of Special Standards of Responsibility, in solicitations for audit services.


              (2)  Use the clause at 252.237-7001, Compliance with Audit Standards, in solicitations and contracts for audit services.


237.271  Management controls.

DoD procedures are in DoDD 4205.2, Acquiring and Managing Contracted Advisory and Assistance Services (CAAS).


237.272  Requesting activity responsibilities.


      (b)  On acquisitions for studies, the purchase request package must contain a signed statement from the technical officer responsible for the study stating that the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) and other information sources have been queried, that evidence of those queries are on file, and no existing scientific or technical report could fulfill the requirement.


      (c)  The authority, without redelegation authority (see DoDD 4205.2), to approve the use of advisory and assistance services in contracts over $50,000 is—


              (i)  An SES manager;


              (ii)  A general or flag officer;


              (iii)  An officer in O-6 grade filling a general or flag officer level position; or


              (iv)  An officer in O-6 grade who has subordinate SES personnel.




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