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(Revised June 27, 2000)



 215.303 Responsibilities.
 215.304 Evaluation factors and significant subfactors.
 215.305 Proposal evaluation.

215.303  Responsibilities.


      (b)(2)  For high-dollar value and other acquisitions, as prescribed by agency procedures, the source selection authority (SSA) shall approve a source selection plan (SSP) before the solicitation is issued.  The SSP—


                    (A)  Shall be prepared and maintained by a person designated by the SSA or as prescribed by agency procedures;


                    (B)  Shall be coordinated with the contracting officer and senior advisory group, if any, within the source selection organization; and


                    (C)  Shall include, as a minimum—


                          (1)  The organization, membership, and responsibilities of the source selection team;


                          (2)  A statement of the proposed evaluation factors and any significant subfactors and their relative importance;


                          (3)  A description of the evaluation process, including specific procedures and techniques to be used in evaluating proposals; and


                          (4)  A schedule of significant events in the source selection process, including documentation of the source selection decision and announcement of the source selection decision.


215.304  Evaluation factors and significant subfactors.


      (c)(i)  In acquisitions that require use of the clause at FAR 52.219-9, Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan, other than those based on the lowest price technically acceptable source selection process (see FAR 15.101-2), the extent of participation of small businesses and historically black colleges or universities and minority institutions in performance of the contract shall be addressed in source selection.  The contracting officer shall evaluate the extent to which offerors identify and commit to small business and historically black college or university and minority institution performance of the contract, whether as a joint venture, teaming arrangement, or subcontractor.


                    (A)  Evaluation factors may include—


                          (1)  The extent to which such firms are specifically identified in proposals;


                          (2)  The extent of commitment to use such firms (for example, enforceable commitments are to be weighted more heavily than non-enforceable ones);


                          (3)  The complexity and variety of the work small firms are to perform;


                          (4)  The realism of the proposal;


                          (5)  Past performance of the offerors in complying with requirements of the clauses at FAR 52.219-8, Utilization of Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Concerns, and 52.219-9, Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan; and


                          (6)  The extent of participation of such firms in terms of the value of the total acquisition.


                    (B)  Proposals addressing the extent of small business and historically black college or university and minority institution performance may be separate from subcontracting plans submitted pursuant to the clause at FAR 52.219-9 and should be structured to allow for consideration of offers from small businesses.


                    (C)  When an evaluation includes the factor in paragraph (c)(i)(A)(1) of this section, the small businesses, historically black colleges or universities and minority institutions, and women-owned small businesses considered in the evaluation shall be listed in any subcontracting plan submitted pursuant to FAR 52.219-9 to facilitate compliance with 252.219-7003(g).


              (ii)  The costs or savings related to contract administration and audit may be considered when the offeror’s past performance or performance risk indicates the likelihood of significant costs or savings.


215.305  Proposal evaluation.


     (a)(2)  Past performance evaluation.  When a past performance evaluation is required by FAR 15.304, and the solicitation includes the clause at FAR 52.219-8, Utilization of Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Concerns, the evaluation factors shall include the past performance of offerors in complying with requirements of that clause.  When a past performance evaluation is required by FAR 15.304, and the solicitation includes the clause at FAR 52.219-9, Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Small Business Subcontracting Plan, the evaluation factors shall include the past performance of offerors in complying with requirements of that clause.


      (b)  Any determination to reject a proposal based on a violation or possible violation of Section 27 of the OFPP Act shall be made as specified in FAR 3.104.


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