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subpart 205.2--synopses of proposed contract actions

(Revised November 01, 2004)

 205.203 Publicizing and response time.
 205.207 Preparation and transmittal of synopses.

205.203  Publicizing and response time.

      (b)  Allow at least 45 days response time when requested by a qualifying or designated country source (as these terms are used in Part 225) and the request is consistent with the Government's requirement.

205.207  Preparation and transmittal of synopses.

      (d)(i)  For acquisitions being considered for historically black college and university and minority institution set-asides under 226.7003

                    (A)  Cite the appropriate Numbered Note; and

                    (B)  Include the notice at PGI 205.207(d)(i) (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode).

              (ii)  For broad agency announcement notices, see 235.016.

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